Chapter 3

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Lauren's pov

I was in school at my locker when Shawn and Austin came over, they threw my stuff all over the place, shoved me and called me names. They threw me to the floor laughing as they walked away, I stay on the floor for a while because my back still hurt from a few days ago and I landed on it painfully. I take a deep breath and look around, people were just acting like nothing happened, no one asked if I was okay no one came to help me, they just walked around me and my stuff.

I sigh grabbing my things and walking to homeroom, all day my back hurt and I had no pain killers and I didn't want to go to the nurse again, so I just worked through the pain.

It was now lunch and I was walking to the cafeteria when Shawn shoved me into the wall, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my back and had to put my hand over my mouth to stop me from whimpering.

I rushed to the bathroom and broke down crying, one from the pain and the other from how I'm being treated. A teacher was right there, he just looked at me and then back to his phone he didn't care, no one cares.

I sit on the floor with my knees to my chest and my head on my knees, I stay there for a while until someone comes into the bathroom, I ignore them and I thought they would just going to ignore me, but I was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry dumb question you're obviously not, what's wrong?" She asked, I frown and look up then away, camila cabello, of course it was.

"Yeh" I mumble whipping my eyes but it was no use they kept coming, she sits next to me on the floor causing me to frown.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" She asked, I keep the same frown on my face and shook my head.

"Okay, we don't have too" she said, I look at her in confusion

"Why-I...why are you sat on the floor with me? Why are you talking to me?" I ask quietly, basically in a whisper.

"Because you're upset" she said softly, I frown

"Oh" I mumble, she nods and I look away from her

"What's your name?" She asked, I look at her then away

"Lauren" I mumble, she nods with a soft smiles

"I'm camila" she said, I nod

"I know" I whisper, she smiles softly

"What happened Lauren? Why are you so upset?" Camila asked, i shook my head

"I said I don't want to talk about it" I mumble, she nods

"Okay, have you had lunch yet?" She asked, i shook my head, why does she care?

"No, not hungry" I mumble, she nods

"Come sit with me and my friends" she said getting up, I look up at her like she grew another head

"What?" I ask, she chuckles

"Come on, it'll be fun" she said, I shook my head

"Why would you want me to sit with you and your friends? You just met me..I-I don't think you would want me too, or they wouldn't" I say, she chuckles.

"Just come on" she said still smiling, I frown and she grabbed my hands pulling me up, i wince at my back but she didn't seem to notice.

"They're nice I promise" she said, she grabs my bag and walks me there anyway

Why is she doing this? Is she going to make fun of me with her friends? Why did she care that I was upset? Most people just walk right past me like I'm not ever there.

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