"When?" he asked sternly.

My voice quivered a bit. "Last night, when I slept over at her tree house." Jacob was still for a moment and slowly looked away from me then lean his head back on the head rest. He closed his eyes and breath in his nose then breath out through his mouth. I watch at how tense his muscles are and how he's doing his best to calm himself down from losing his mind. How much does he know her? Why didn't he tell me? When did they even get to know each other? Slowly, Jacob's foot stepped on the gas pedal and he opened his eyes then he put his focus on the main road.

"Bella." I didn't utter a word and continue to stare at him. "Tell me everything and I'll do the same for you."

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ Alice 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

I finally arrived at Washington a few hours earlier today and the moon was already up by the time I got here. With my speed, I dashed over to one of Carlisle's car and got inside of it then took off without hesitation. Now, I'm on my way to Bella's house and I can easily smell the girl's scent. My main focus is getting to her and question her on why she was meeting up with someone that none of us have ever met before, but most importantly, find out if she's at least alright.

If Bella isn't alright, Edward would lose his mind and I would too. Bella is like a sister to me.

I know that Rosalie doesn't agree with us on looking after her, but Edward loves her so much and I will do anything to keep him happy. We've each found our significant other except for him, so I'll make sure that he'll keep his alive. My foot begins to grow heavy on the gas pedal and my eyes scan around the area in great speed as my hands on the steering wheel expertly turn to dodge all the cars in front of me. Time doesn't wait on no one and I know that for a fact, so I need to hurry for Bella's sake. My future vision doesn't go any further than what I saw before and I wanted to see if anything have changed, but I shrugged it off because I need to focus on the present right now. I changed the gear and stepped on the gas pedal so hard that it could've broke by my inhuman strength.

I need to get there as soon as I can. I have to make sure that she's at least alive, dammit!

After twenty minutes, I finally arrived at the silent road and pulled up at the house that has her scent. I got out of the car with a slam of the car door and dashed over to the house then knocked on the door. I waited for a moment to see if anyone would answer but nothing has answered the call, so I used my inhuman speed to dash over at their backyard. I grabbed on to the doorknob and shockingly, the door is unlocked and I shook my head in disappointment.

"Clumsy Bella as usual," I said to myself and lean my head back. "Time to play the part for Goldilocks except I'm not going to touch anything until she gets home." And that's when I went inside with the door closed right behind me.

꧁♋︎𒊹︎ You 𒊹︎♋︎꧂

"Give me another one," I said while smiling with Charlie and his got a goofy grin on his face. The two of us have finished up the main things that he needed to get down with for the funerals and we were on the way back to his house.

"No no no," he chuckled. "I shouldn't." I dramatically groan and looked at him with a begging look.

"Oh come on, Charlie!" I clasp both of my hands together and pouted. "Please? For me?" He looked at me for a moment and chuckled once again while shaking his head slowly.

"Alright then." He cleared his throat and looked ahead to focus on his driving. "What does James Bond do before he goes to bed?" Putting a finger on my chin, I tried to decipher this joke and see if I get this right. For the entire ride back to his place we've been doing the worst jokes ever, but at the end of them, we still laugh at how horrible it sounds. The two of us had a great time together and I got to meet a lot of his friends as we were preparing the funeral. But now, he wants me to settle over at his house since it's getting late and he really wants me to stay at his place so I can be safe.

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