Chapter 28

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Author's Note

Sorry the update is late from now on I will TRY to update on Friday's but it may be some other day on the weekend or Monday's because since it is winter I haven't had school on a Monday for the past 5 weeks because of snow so I hope you enjoy this update vote and comment.



Kaley POV

I woke up and all these thoughts came into my head about last night but the main one being about how I fancy Niall. I had a dream last night and I was with Niall instead of Louis and I was so much happier; everyone was. Louis moved on and Niall and I were really happy. I kind of think it's a sign that I should be with Niall instead  of Louis. I really do have a lot of fun with Niall we have a lot more in common too. The more I think about being with Niall the more I fancy him and the quiltier I feel about being with Louis. I'm kind of leading him on and it has to stop. Louis is still next to me sleeping while I jut stare at the ceiling. I roll out of bed as quietly as I can and make my way out of the room going straight to Niall's. I knock on the door and a minute later Niall is opening the door groggily and in his boxers. I stand there staring while he is rubbing his eyes. Once I finally snap out of it I ask Niall if I can come in, he nods his head but has a confused look on his face, I guess I would too. I walk over to his bed and sit down Niall following my lead. We sit their in silence until I finally figure out what to say. "Niall I don't really know how to say this and I really hope you feel the same way because that would be embarrassing, but I think I fancy you." Niall just sits there shocked and doesn't say anything. I'm blushing and starting to think he doesn't feel the same way so I stand up and start making my way to the door, but before I can he grabs my wrist pulling me back. Once I turn to face him he is smashing his lips against mine and I don't hesitate to kiss back. It's a hungry kiss full of passion, he softly bites my lip asking for entrance and I open my mouth giving it to him. Before the kiss can get any more heated we are interrupted by Liam coming into the room. We hastily pull away both of us blushing and Liam smirking but then it turns to a frown. "Um I came to tell Niall breakfast is ready, but you guys seem to be busy, uh Kaley can I please talk to you in um private" he says flustered. I just nod my head and the mention of food sends Niall flying downstairs, but before he leaves he gives me a quick peck on the lips causing me to blush once again. "Kaley you know what you're doing is going to break Louis heart right?" he questions, "Liam I fancy Louis but I really fancy Niall and I've been leading Louis on and I wanted to make sure Niall felt the same way before I told Louis." I quickly explain. After I'm done Liam is smiling again which makes me sigh in relief. "Ok I understand I won't tell Louis, but you have to tell him today. Also you might as well change rooms then because if you're with Niall it would just be weird" Liam tells me. Their is always a but, but I know where he's coming from and I nod showing him I understand. I follow Liam downstairs to the table and walk right past my seat next to Louis and take Nicole's old seat. Louis looks at me and I mouth "we have to talk" and he nods his head understanding what I said. I've decided I will tell him as soon as possible so I'm not leading him on any longer, but I think he's known somethings been up. Louis and I are the firsts to finish eating so I excuse myself and make my way upstairs Louis following me. I sit down on our bed soon to be only his. I decide the best way to tell him is by dropping hints so I start getting my clothing that is hung up and put it on the bed. Louis finally realizes what's going on and the smile drops from his face. "You're going into Niall's room aren't you?" he questions and I just respond with a nod. "You love him don't you?" he questions again. This time I can't just respond with a nod of the head. I open my mouth to say something but close it again thinking if I love him or not. "I love a lot of things about him, but I don't know if I love him" I say in a whisper, but Louis hears me. "You love him I can tell I've known but I thought I could change your mind. You look at him differently than me. You look at him like you love him" he says the last sentence a whisper. "Did you ever love me?" he questions once again, I think for a moment then respond "I thought I fancied you". It's silent between us and after thinking I say more "I loved the idea of you, of being with you. I loved your humor, the way you wanted me, the way you cared for me. So I didn't love you but I loved the idea of you, of us. I'm sorry" I finish off with. He stands there silent and then I see a tear roll down his cheek "I think I loved you" he says breaking my heart at the sound of him saying that and me not being able to say I love him back or even that I have feelings for him because honestly I don't not anymore I don't thing I ever did. "Tell me when, all of it" he says his voice cracking at the end. I nod my head no, but he looks at me pleadingly. "I-I think since the beginning. I don't think I ever did have feelings for you. I loved the idea of being with you, having a caring boyfriend. I imagined everything because I loved the idea of it, I even fooled myself. I have this whole time untill now talking to you about it." I say. "You fooled me too for the longest time, but then I fooled myself, I knew you loved him and not me I just thought I could change your mind win you over ya know" he says actually smiling. "It may hurt me, but by you being with me it's hurting both of us more and Niall. I'm just continuing on fooling myself and you'll never be truly happy. That's all I really want is you to be happy" he says softly looking at me. "Thank you" I reply whispering, I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. I grab most of my stuff and walk out the door leaving Louis behind. Once I close the door I hear Louis start crying but this time harder. I sit down on the ground with my head against the door and I can hear Louis sitting their against the door with me on the other side crying. "I'm sorry" I whisper one more time but before getting up I hear him say something which I wish I didn't because once I do I feel tears rolling down my cheeks too. "I'll always love you" he says and it breaks my heart that I never loved him. I slowly make my way into Niall's room which we now share and put all my stuff away. I hear a knock on the door and Niall walks in. I wipe my eyes but Niall still notices I was crying. He comes over and hugs me and all I can make out is three small words that mean so much. "He loves me" and I'm crying all over again. I'm crying because I could never love Louis, that he loved me and I broke his heart, and most of all while he loves me I think I love Niall.

         Five weeks later (Wednesday September 5th)

My birthday is in one month exactly because it's October 5th and it's the 5th of September. Everything is going well with Niall and I. Louis and me talk sometimes, but he tries to ignore me as much as possible when Niall is with me. Its only been five weeks so it's understandable. I am officially Niall's girlfriend, but I still haven't told him I love him. It's to soon I don't want to scare him away. Hemma and Ziolet are still going strong well that's what their shippers call them. Yeah shippers the boys had an interview and they got Emma and Violets permissions to tell everyone. Kiristen left, yep she doesn't live here anymore she decided she wanted to go to actual university and not online which doesn't really surprise me. Violet and I will be in our third year of uni and Emma her second. We were actually talking about uni and the boys never knew what we were majoring in so we told them. Violet is majoring in fashion and design to be a designer, Emma wants to be a like crime scene investigator like in those shows like CSI I'm not exactly sure what that is called major wise, and then me I want to be a lawyer so yeah. The boys laughed at me when I told them because they can't picture me being one, but I can put up a big argument for something especially food. Violet is lucky because this actually might be her last year of uni because for fashion and design you only need 3-4 years and she is doing really well. Same with Emma she is kind of in her third year because she took summer classes every year including this year until we came here so she will be done when I'm done. Emma and Violet get a lot of hate but the lads are all really supportive. I've been dating Niall for 5 weeks a little over a month and Emma has been dating Harry for 7 weeks because they started dating the 16th of July and it will be 7 weeks for Zayn and Violet in two days; the 7th they started dating July 19th. So more than a month almost two. We also had some bad news, Violet, Emma, and I completely forgot that we had our sports and you can't do that online. Emma has a football scholarship so she has to play or she could lose it. Violet and I also have volleyball scholarships which we don't want to loose but it wouldn't be that big of a deal cause we have money but Emma doesn't. So now we are all back in London. Violet and I are on the volleyball team and soccer tryouts didn't happen yet, but we still take some online courses then some not so we can be with the boys. When we first came back us girls went to our flat and the boys theirs, but we never at ours because we were with are boyfriends. So I live with Niall, Violet with Zayn, and Emma with Harry. Louis and Liam have their own flats also. Liam actually has a girlfriend, it's Danielle. They got back together after the break up once we came back to London. (AN: I know he's with Sophia but I want him with Dani for now in this book). Louis has been seeing this girl but we don't know who Harry set them up so he's the only one who knows, he won't tell us yet. Uni didn't start yet but volleyball practice did so that's what we are doing. Emma and Violet are working again as full time models where as I quit modeling it wasn't my thing and I just work at Starbucks. Oh I forgot Emma is pregnant......

Just kidding she isn't none of us are we aren't engaged either it's to early, especially for me.



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