Chapter 4

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Authors Note

Song of the Chapter

SOS by Rihanna

Zayn Pov

While Louis and I were in the bathroom we were coming up with a plan well I was anyway Louis was just playing with anything he could find in the closet. "Lou I've got it!!!" I said. Louis quickly snapped is head my way and like jumped on me. "What is what is what is it!' he said. "God Lou give me a sec and I will tell you" I said. "All we have to do is but are phones on and it will send out a signal, but she took our phones, well yours, Harry's and mine because Liam and Niall don't have there's." I said. "So how are we going to get them" You" I said. I looked at Louis and he looked at me like I was crazy and he looked a little frightened. "W..what are you talking about" he stuttered. "I mean you, you are going to get our phones" I said. "But how' he said. "You'll see" I said with a smirk on my face.

(Haha you will have to read to know what Zayn's plan is 😏😈)

Louis Pov

I waited until the psycho came back the get me like she said, I was scared out of my fucking mind but it was for the band and so we get out of here so I had to do it. Finally she came and Zayn nudged me forward, and I knew what I had to do. When she brought me out to the living room at kissed not on the lips thankfully I didn't have to but just doing that made me want to vomit. She got all giggly and I asked for something to drink, so nodded her head and just ran into the kitchen I'm guessing. This was my chance I quickly stood up and started looking around for ours phones. Bingo I found them, but then i heard her coming back, so I quickly ran back to my seat before she could see. When she came back in she gave me a glass of water I just took it then drank a couple sips. "Hey I have a question what is your name" I asked. She said "Sophie." Now I knew her name that's all I need. Ugh bloody hell I still need to get our phones. I had to come up with something fast to get her out of her room. So I told her that I had a major headache and asked her to get some medicine for me. Once she left I quickly grabbed our phones and sat down. I then yelled Sophie never mind I'm just tired. So she said ok and I told her I was going to go sleep in the bathroom were she brought me earlier. Once I got in there I quickly shut the door and once I heard her lock the door I took out our phones and gave them to Zayn.

Zayn Pov

I was starting to get a little worried when 15 minutes passed by and Lou still wasn't back with our phones, but about a minute later I heard him yelling to Sophie?, that he was fine and he was going to come back here cause he was tired or something like that. Lou rushed in and closed the door once he heard it lock he gave me our phones then I said Sophie? and he said yeah that's her name if she isn't lying about it and oh you boys oh me big time I had to kiss her on the cheek and hang out with her and pretend I liked it. "Calm down Lou hopefully it won't happen again" I said. "Hopefully no no no I will not be doing that again even if it involved carrots wait I might have to think about that wait NO I will not be doing that again no matter what" he said. "Ok whatever just give me the damn phones so I can send a signal" I said. "Wait why don't we just send a tweet out or something" he said. i thought about it for a second but the said we can't because then it could end up on the news and then Sophie could possibly see so I just have to turn it on and people should be able to find out where we are from the signal it sends, fuck no one knows we are missing cause we told management that we were all going out for the week for our break to look around L.A. "Bloody Hell" Louis said. "Maybe we will be lucky and someone noticed we were missing and it ended up on the news, but all we can do is hope for the best" I said. "Ok but did you do it yet" he said. "Yep now all we could do is wait and hope somebody finds us, meanwhile we should probably get some sleep". I said. Then that was the last thing we said all night be for be both fell asleep.

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