Chapter 9

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Author's Note

Hey guys it's Wednesday time to update it might not be the longest because I was reading my book He's No Good. It's amazing just finished reading it and it 4:30.


                                         The next afternoon (about noon right before lunch)

Kaley POV 

"No there is no way you can eat more than me" I said. Niall and I are arguing about who can eat more food. "Yeah I can". "Fine then lets have an eating contest". OMG I just challenged Niall Horan to an eating contest, what if he beats me. I've seen that lad eat, his stomach is never ending. The girls say mine is too, but I'm not sure when it comes to beating Niall in an eating contest. "Did you just challenge Niall to an eating contest" Nicole asked me while looking at me like I'm crazy. "Jeez thanks for the encouragement" I said playing around with her. Louis came running into the room and ran up to me and said "Are you fucking crazy" but then yelled "EATING CONTEST!" at the top of his lungs. I just looked and him and shook my head, but he just shrugged. 

Everything was ready for the eating contest between me and Niall. I was getting really nervous but I knew it would go away when I saw the food. We were using burgers. We each had a couple trays full, it wasn't speed it was who ate the most and luckily I woke up to late to eat breakfast so I'm starving. Liam was the referee or what every you would call it. Liam told us to start so we did Niall was going really fast which wasn't very smart which I knew from prior experience. I was going at a steady pace which I hope would help me win. Niall was done with one plate which is 5 burgers and this was some serious shit these weren't some small ass burger they the big normal sized ones no mini for us. I only ate 3 but that's because I was going at a steady pace where Nialler was eating as fast as he could he was already starting to look pale. In the end I beat Nialler he ate 8 then puked we I finished two plates full which is 10. When Niall saw I won he looked at be in complete shocked then when it finally sunk in he dropped down on his knees yelling "NOOOOOOOO" and Harry said that I broke Niall. Finally when Niall started to act like a man again he stood up and congratulated be but then said "how did you eat so much" and I replied by saying "a magician never reveals her secrets" and walked away with a smirk on my face. I then went into my room and decided I was going to take a nap. What eating more than Niall and then having to get up and walk takes a lot of work! Don't you judge me!

Crystal POV

I was getting ready for my date with Liam, he told me we were just going to this fancy Italian place not to far from here so I wore my black cutout sundress from American Eagle. Liam was done getting ready, he didn't wear anything to fancy but he wore a blazer with a nice shirt and some some what dressy trousers. On are way to the restaurant everything was just awkward we didn't even really talk. When we finally got to the restaurant Liam being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for me and led me into the restaurant. We both sat there talking but everything was awkward and that's when we both knew this wasn't going to work out. We both decided to be just friends and that was all. On our way back to the flat I got a call from Mum and she said that my dad was offered a job in India (where we're from) with a high pay and he took it. So my parents are moving to India and that would like me to come with I didn't have much of a choice. A tear slid down my cheek just thinking about leaving the girls and the boys I just met them not that long ago. Liam looked over at me and asked what was wrong " I'm leaving I have to move to In-india" I stuttered then started crying again. He comforted me the best he could while he was driving and told me everything was going to be ok and that the girls would understand. I told him not to tell anyone because I wasn't going to tell them until tomorrow Its not like I'm leaving tomorrow I'm leaving to India in a week, but I have to go home in 2 days to help pack and all that shit. So when we arrived at the flat I put on my best smile I could manage and walked into the flat, Liam following right behind me. I went straight to me room so no one would notice something was wrong. I heard Liam telling all the boys that it didn't work out and that we were going to just be friends. I guess he told the girls too because they didn't come running into my room demanding answers. It wasn't to late but it was late enough to go to bed so I put my pjs on and got under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

Liam POV

Right when we walked into the flat Crystal went into her room. I felt really bad that she had to move and it wasn't like it was just to another city or anything, it was in a completely different continent. We're in America right now but they live in Europe well London and then she had to go to Asia. To think that she is going to be in India for good in just a week makes me sad. I just wonder how the girls are going to take it because if I'm upset and I've only known her for a little while then I can't imagine how it's going to feel to lose a friend you've know since you were in elementary school.

Author's Note 

Hope you like it I'm not sure when I will be updated again but at the latest it will be next Wednesday when I'm supposed to update.

Bye Love you my unicorns

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