Chapter 19

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Violet POV

"Miss. Dallas everything is ok with your wound, no infection and the bullet is out, everything looks fine so you will be released in a week but you can leave the hospital for short periods at a time until then. There is one thing though and it could be bad news depending on how you take it, because of where the wound was inflicted you will have a hard time having children. This doesn't mean you can't get pregnant it just means that you will have a harder time and if you do you will have a greater chance of having a miscarriage. This doesn't always effect everyone it couldn't effect you at all but this is just a warning of what could happen" The doctor finished and then left the room. I sat there in shock, I might not be able to have children. My eyes started to gloss over, no get a hold of your self he said I might not be able and it doesn't even effect some people. I couldn't keep my self from crying, just thinking about not being able to have kids was heartbreaking. Right when the first tear slipped down my cheek Zayn was by my side. "Hey it's ok don't cry he said might not defiantly" Zayn said soothingly while rubbing my back. "Zayn why do you still want anything to do with me if we have a future together I just took something from you very important" I said not being able to look him in the eyes because I knew he was gonna leave me. "No Violet don't think like that I wouldn't leave you because of this, you aren't taking anything from me and if you were all I need is you. There is always adoption if you can't get pregnant but we won't need that because the doctor said might. I promise everything will be fine and I will never ever leave you" Zayn said reassuringly, I started to calm down listening to his voice and him rubbing my back. "Zayn can you not tell anyone about this please, not the boys, no one. I don't want anyone to know especially because Emma's birthday I heard her say it's in 4 days so wait it's the 22nd" "I won't tell a soul and it's actually the 23rd it's almost 2 in the morning love" I felt my cheeks heat up and I laughed. "Oh sorry you probably want to sleep and speaking of sleep I'm pretty tired" I said yawning. Zayn nodded his head and started walking over to his little bed but I quickly spoke up, "what are you doing" "I'm going to lay down" he said with a duh tone. I moved over so their was enough room for Zayn and patted the area of the bed next to me, "I want you to lay with me" after I said that Zayn slightly blushed but came over anyway. "Can you sing for me" I asked in a whisper almost asleep, he nodded his head then asked what song "never say never by the fray". I then fell asleep to Zayn's voice singing Never Say Never.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zayn POV

My eyes flutter open but close again due to the light, once my eyes adjust to the light I open them completely and all the memories come back to me from yesterday leaving a smile on my face. My arms still wrapped around Violet in a protective manner. Violets hair is sprawled out around her face and her mouth in a slight smile and her knees pulled up to her body with her hands above her head some what. I snap out of my trance when i hear Violet say "creep" and giggle I immediately blush knowing I was caught watching her sleep. Violet leans over and pecks my lips making me blush more cause she took me by surprise. Violet giggles again because she knows what she's doing to me. "Emma's birthday is in three days" she says, I nod my head not knowing where this is going. "I still need to get her a present and I want to get out of here for a little while" she said. I nod my head "ok then lets go, Kaley brought some clothes for you" I walk over to the corner of the room and give her the bag Kaley brought for her. Violet gets up out of the bed as quickly as a wounded person can. She is done in less than 5 minutes and comes out wearing white high wasted shorts with a cute crop top shirt I guess but you can only see her stomach a little when she puts her hands up which is bad and good for me bad because no one else is allowed to see her skin to much but bad because I would like to see more a lot more. What you can't blame me I am a guy. She is also wearing a pair of vans that she drew on. We leave the hospital hand in hand and head over to my car. The car ride is silent but not an awkward silence, one hand is on the wheel and my other is on her thigh. Once we get there we end up buying a whole lot more than we thought well I do anyway I only let Violet pay for one thing which she wasn't to happy about. We bought Emma some perfume she likes and a "Mint" (as Violet says) dress also an electric purple one. I knew Harry would like them both especially the purple one it's pretty short in length and the mint one is a longer dress. We also bought her a gift card for ITunes and a new phone case. The one thing Violet bought was a necklace it had Emma's name on it in Gold and little diamonds in certain spots. I know it was expensive because Violet wouldn't tell me the cost cause she knew that I would've made her let me pay. By the end of the trip we had 7 or 8 bags all for Emma and we ended up getting her a pair of combat boots also. Once we got to the hospital it was almost 9 because we stopped for dinner. Violet showered first and by the time I was done showering also she already passed out.


Author's Note

Please Vote and Comment, I only need 50 more reads until I'm at 1K and I've decided I have no date when I will update but it will be once every week. Ok love you guys bye! Oh and I have a pic of the mint dress and next chapter I will put up the other one.

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