Chapter 3

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Crystal Pov 

I was running around like a maniac making sure we had everything we needed for America. We are going to America because that's where they were kidnapped. We will be landing in L.A., and that's where we will start looking. I still think this is a crazy idea but at least we get to go to America. OMG where are the plane tickets, I swear this trip is going to be the death of me. "Emma where are the fucking plane tickets I can't find them" I said. "Calm down I have them stop freaking out" Emma said. "She can't her OCD is kicking in" Violet said with a smirk. Then of coarse everyone in the house broke out laughing. Ugh I hate them so much some times. "Haha so funny" I said. I walk into the kitchen to get a drink and Kaley is sitting there stuffing food into a bag for the trip. "What the hell are you doing" I asked. "Bringing food duh" she said. God there is something wrong with her she just eats and eats but doesn't gain a pound. "Go get me something with peanut butter in it NOW" she said. "Kaley your going to get fat and then die in a hole" I said. She was eating a pack of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups "I don't care" she said. "Ok whatever we have to go in 10 minutes" I said. Me, Kaley share a flat where Violet, Emma, and Nicole share one next store, but Emma and Violet slept over so now we are just waiting on Nicole to get here. Finally Nicole gets to our flat and we are on our way to the airport. I drive to the airport with Nicole in the passenger seat and the other 3 girls in the back with all our luggage in the trunk. "Drive faster" Nicole said. When we arrive at the airport we hear 5 minutes until departing for L.A. "Shit" I say we better hurry or we will miss our flight. We all start running onto the plane we made it just in time. Into an hour on the plane we were all asleep. When we finally wake up we are landing so we all quickly pop a piece of gum into our mouths. After we land we call a cab and go to the flat we rented out until we go back to America and since Nicole is rich and me, Violet, and Kaley have a lot of money also are flat is more like a huge house but not a mansion.

Violet Pov

Once we all unpacked and were comfortable we decided to all go on a shopping spree. Emma didn't have as much money as us because she has no family but we all take care of her like she is our little sister and she als works but we try to tell her she doesn't have to but she doesn't listen. So we go to one of the malls and we go into Forever 21, American Eagle and some other stores. By the time we were done I had at least 5 bags, Crystal of coarse had the most which was 8 bags, Kayla had 3 one just had a new pair of combat boots in it but at least we got her to come shopping which was a miracle, Emma only had 2 cause she didn't want us to spend too much money on her as she says but we tell her that we don't care. Nicole surprisingly only had 5 bags like me but said she will be shopping again soon. That's Nicole for ya but I can't judge because I love shopping too. Once we got back to the flat we all put are stuff away in our rooms and the we all went into the living room except for Kaley she went to the kitchen of coarse. We all decided to watch a movie, I chose Mean Girls and Emma wanted to watch a horror movie but rest of us decided on Mean Girls. I hate horror movies I only watched one with my ex boyfriend Jason but we broke up like 5 months ago. After we watched Mean Girls jet lag finally hit us we all got extremely tired and it wasn't even night time, but we all gave in and went to sleep and planned on starting to look tomorrow for the One Direction boys. 

The Next Day

Kaley Pov

I'm not a morning person but because of stupid jet lag I got up at 6 and I was the first one up lucky me [sarcasm], but at least I got the kitchen all to myself. So that's where I went I headed straight for the fridge. Fuck we don't have any food. That's what we forgot to do. Ugh I guess I will be going to the grocery store. So I quickly write a note saying I'm going to the store before I go to the car. As of now we only have one car it's all of ours but I know Nicole is going to get a car, she wants a Mazda and Violet is also getting one she is getting blue or purple punch buggy, I also am thinking of getting a car but I'm not sure what kind yet. I get into the car and it feels really weird I'm not used to sitting on the left side of the car instead of the right, but I guess a lot of things are going to take some getting used too. Once I get to the store I first go to the junk food aisle, which isn't surprising to people who know me, then I get everything else we need like eggs, bread, butter and other things. Once I'm done I quickly check out and get into the car. I pull into the driveway and get all of the groceries and walk into the flat. I yell that I'm home but no one answers so I decide to just make breakfast then wake everyone up usually I wouldn't even make breakfast or I would just make it for myself, but I guess I'm just in a good mood. So I make eggs and of coarse bacon it's a given. After I'm done making everything I yell to the girls wake up but no one answer so I have to go room to room waking everyone up. I first wake Emma up which isn't very hard because she isn't a heavy sleeper then I go to Crystal who was a little cranky but she gets up without a fight thankfully and now it's time for Nicole I had to shake her awake for about 2 minutes but she woke up. Now it was time for Violet which I knew would be a challenge. I got into her room and started shaking her and then she made a un human like sound so I did it again and all of a sudden I'm getting hit in the face with a pillow and being told to go away, but I wasn't going to give up so easily so I started jumping on the bed and yelling wake up finally she woke up and we all went into the kitchen to eat. After we were done eating we went into the living room and started to think of a plan to find the boys. "I've got it!!!!" Emma said.

Authors Note

Cliffhanger!!!! Don't hate me you will find out next chapter or the chapter after that I will try to update everyday or at least every other day 

Ok bye my unicorns I Love u all and please comment if you like it and any ideas you have for there plan because I'm still thinking about it still but I have my ideas! 

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