Chapter 8

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Authors Pov 

Told you I would try to update! Hope you like it!


Violet POV

Zayn and I all sat down for breakfast all of us girls were wearing shorts, but then I noticed Nialler wasn't down here so I spoke up and said "who's going to wake up Nialler" and Nicole volunteered to she went upstairs, but brought a piece of bacon with here. Smart, smart girl. All we heard was Niall wake up we have food and I'm guessing that was Nicole and a Niall scream food while we heard a scream and someone running down the steps. Then we all saw Niall in the kitchen with bacon dangling out of his mouth and Nicole not to far behind him. Niall and Nicole sat down and then Liam said that the fod was laying out Kaley and Niall jolted out of there chairs and Kaley knocked Nialler over and all the boys started laughing at him while he just pouted. How could you just ignore that, it seemed that Nicole and I couldn't so I helped Niall up and Nicole came back with two plates of food for Niall and the pout disappeared and was replaced with a wide grin. I knew Nicole the most and I could tell she was starting to fancy the blond Irish lad, but I wasn't sure if she was going to let her self completely fall and trust him. We could just hope for the best but I think I was the only one who figured it out, she was a little hard to read but I know who. I'm guessing Emma is going to be the first next one to figure out but the Irish lad was oblivious to the feelings Nicole has for him. Everyone got there food and sat down in their seats except for who Emma who sat on Harry's lap, I could tell that he really cared about her and she felt the same I just hope the lad doesn't make a stupid mistake or else he will have four angry girls after him even if Harry is our mate sisters before misters sorry lads. Kaley also had two plates full of food and Niall finished two and was on his third or fourth, I think Kaley might even be on her third god bless her. Crystal kept staring at Liam and Liam caught her and winked hmm I wonder what's going on with them? Then all of a sudden my phone rung and it was anonymous so I stood up and left the room to answer it no one noticed I left except Zayn he looked at me with a confused look on his face. I then answered the phone and heard the voice I never wanted to hear again. "Hi babe nice to talk to you again" I scrunched my nose up in disgust at him calling me babe another thing I never wanted to hear him say again. "Don't call me that again.. ever" I said harshly. He just laughed at the other end and said "oh sweetheart I can call you anything I want and there is nothing you can do about" "oh really" I shot back even though I knew I couldn't do anything about it. "What is your little Zayn gonna save you" "How do you know I'm with them" I said. "Look at your window" he said so I listen and opened the blinds to see him waving at me with a smirk on his face. I quickly closed the blinds and growled "Leave me alone you little piece of shit" he then shot back with "or else what your little Zayn gonna save you" he said again. "Leave him out of this Jason" my voice slightly cracked but I quickly recovered so he knew I wasn't afraid. The last thing he said before he hung up was "well you better watch your back cause I'm coming for you and I ALWAYS get what I want, you will be mine". After he said that I just broke down crying.

Zayn POV

We were all having fun and then Violet's phone rung stood up and left on her way I shot her a look telling her I was confused but she kept walking. For some reason I knew something was wrong so I followed her, I knew eavesdropping was wrong but something didn't seem right. I hid in the corner where she couldn' see me and then she picked up her phone. "Hi babe nice to talk to you" those words made me feel like I was stabbed with knives then they were twisted while inside me but I quickly recovered when I saw the look on her face and when she said "Don't call me that again.. ever" and that put a smile on my face. The volume on her phone was on high so I could her the whole conversation. He then said "oh sweetheart I can call you anything I want and there is nothing you can do about" which made me want to go grab her phone and yell at the guy but I held myself back luckily. She then said "oh really" but she didn't seem as confident while saying it then he said "What is your little Zayn gonna save you" which confused me on how he knew I was here but I knew I was going to get my answer when Violet said "How do you know I'm with them" then he told her to look out the window and she did and we both saw a guy outside staring at her and waving, she looked terrified I just wanted to comfort her and tell her I would protect her but I had to wait. "Leave me alone you little piece of shit" she said ,he then shot back with "or else what your little Zayn gonna save you" he said again. Ugh he just made my skin crawl I then noticed me hands were clenched in fists I took a breath and unclenched them waiting to see what was going to happen next. "Leave him out of this Jason" her voice slightly cracked but she quickly recovered, I loved how she was trying to protect me but it was me who was supposed to be protecting her. "Well you better watch your back cause I'm coming for you and I ALWAYS get what I want, you will be mine". After he said that she just broke down crying. This was my chance to comfort her, and I wasn't going to let ANYTHING happen to her no matter what. I ran up to her and started comforting her and then I knew she knew I was spying but she seemed to put that aside and let me comfort her. I kept whispering things in her ear telling her I would keep her safe. After a little her breathing steadied out and I hear lightly snoring so I carried her to her room and I laid her down and went to leave but she pulled on my arm and told me to stay so that's what I did right before she slipped into a peaceful slumber I said "Violet will you go on a date with me" a smile appeared on her face and she said "yes I would love to" she fell a asleep shortly after, and I found myself slowly falling asleep too. Before I knew it I was sleeping. I fell asleep with a smile on my face just like she did which me so happy. I'm the happiest person on the world in that moment.

Harry POV

I saw Zayn carrying Violet in his arms carrying her upstairs and it made me happy my mates were happy, but I had some revenge to plan. I had to figure out how to get Emma back for what she did. Hmmm... I got it. I set everything up in its place then I called Emma upstairs to her room. I heard her running up the stairs and she yelled what. I said " babe just come here I need you." She walked in the door and a bucket of rotten milk fell on her she screamed and everybody come upstairs the boys started laughing but Crystal gave Liam a death glare and he immediately stopped damn she is scary when she does that and Violet elbowed Zayn and he stopped. Emma ran out of the room crying. Oh my god I didn't mean to make her cry it was a joke. Niall and Louis stopped laughing immediately. The all the girls went after her, the boys just stood there staring at me like I was some sort of alien, but I did really feel bad it was just for fun. Ugh I'm so stupid I shouldn't of pranked her like that, I should of teased her like she teased had me but not pranked her. Oh my god I might lose Emma, I can't lose her.

Emma POV

When Harry pranked me, I had to think fast no one and I mean NO one gets away with pranking me or any of us we are all prank masters well except Nicole. Harry doesn't know what's coming him and the boys way. He just started a prank war. All I could think of was running out of there crying the girls knew what I was doing they knew when I was up to something or fake crying we just left the boys there in shock. I went into Kaley's room and I told Crystal and Nicole to go get the pies in the fridge we had 5 of them one for each of us. Once they got back I told them the plan, Violet always wanted to be an actress and she was a pretty good one so we let her take the role of getting Harry to come in Kaley's room. We all looked out the to see Violet going into my room where Harry was, she pulled him to the door frame so we could see him and said "you idiot you just can't do that to a girl" then she slapped him across the face she left a little red mark but she didn't slap him to hard she then said "she is in Kaley's room you better go fix this or else" she walked into the room behind him I was on the bed "crying" with a pie behind me Violet was holding a pie behind her, Nicole was behind the door, Crystal in the bathroom, and Kaley in the closet. Violet closed the door and locked it without Harry noticing and then she knocked on the door and that was the signal for us all to come out, but we kept the pies behind are backs. I stood up and Harry looked at me confuse because there we no tears on my cheeks or in my eyes. "Do you know what you just did Harry" I said, and he shook his head starting to look a little scared. "Well how about we show you, right girls" I said. They all took the pies out from behind their backs and aimed them at him. "NO one gets away with pranking one us and you are no exception" I said with a smirk on my face. We all through the pies and ever single one hit him. Then we all yelled together "You just started a prank war". We all then opened the door and the other boys to one look at Harry and started cracking up but then Violet said "oh and boys you aren't safe either" all their smiles were replace with horrified expressions. Then Nicole said "You can blame this on Mr.Styles over here". It was dark so then we all just left them standing there terrified. All of us girls just went to our rooms and went to bed while listening to all the boys yelling at Harry. He has no idea what he just started.

Authors Note

Hope you guys like it I won't be updating tomorrow maybe Sunday or Monday but if I don't I will defiantly be updating Wednesday and remember to check out my other book Repeat (Harry Styles FanFic) it's on a different account though the account is twinzy_4life so please read. Remember to vote and comment I could always use some ideas (some on what pranks they should use). Night guys it's almost 10 pm where I am so sleep well if it night time where you are.

Love you all my unicorns


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