Chapter 7

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Authors Note

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while my mom had a baby and I've been having some family problems also so I hope you like the update sorry it won't be the longest!

That Night

Liam POV

Crystal and I were getting tired so we decided to go to bed, but before I did I called Harry into the kitchen cause I needed to talk to him. Once he got into the kitchen I said to him "Crystal is beautiful did you see all of her curves and her hair her long long hair" I then zoned out just thinking about her she has the longest hair out of all of the girls it is down to her bum, but Violet's hair is couple inches shorter. Then Harry said "go get her man" and that's finally when I noticed I completely zoned out, the last time I did that was when I was with Danielle that must mean something I hope anyway. Harry went back into the living room so I headed towards Crystal's room, they only had one guest room but it was filled with all of their clothing kind of like a walk in closet. Right when I got to Crystal's door I started panicking what if she says no or what if she just laughs in my face. I guess I will just have to take the risk come on Liam you got this. I walked in but I forgot to knock and I found Crystal still putting her tank top on so she was just standing there in her shorts and bra. God her body is just perfect that was defiantly the pep talk I needed. Luckily she didn't see me so I slowly backed out and knocked she said come in and she was completely dressed this time. I walked in and sat down on the bed and then said " um Crystal can I ask you something" Crystal looked at me confused, but then nodded her head " Crystal will you um g-g-go on a um da-date with me" I managed to say but I stuttered the whole time. Crystal looked at me confused then a huge smile adorned her face and she then said "Liam yes of coarse I would, but promise me one thing that you will try to keep it private which means no paparazzi" I then said "anything for you love" which made her blush a little "how about we go to bed now" she said and then patted next her on the bed I thought she would of made me sleep on the floor but I guess not so I slid into bed next to her and pulled her up against my chest. She snuggled into me and we were both out like a light.

Crystal POV   (8:00 am California Time)

Last Night was the best night ever. Liam asked me out on a date, I thought it was a some sort of cruel joke but I could tell from his facial expressions that he was serious he looked so nervous it was adorable. I woke up to find Liam's arms wrapped around me, I don't ever want to get up. That didn't last long I really want to get I have to use the restroom, but I can't get up cause of his stupid arm. It's all muscle usually that would be good but in my case it isn't. I started squirming around and finally got out I then grabbed my pink contrast baseball shirt and my hi-rise denim shortie shorts from American Eagle and headed for the shower each of our rooms has a walk in closet and a bathroom I put my phone down and turned my music on shuffle. When I finally got out of the shower I found Liam who just woke up and it was 8:30 now and I think I heard Nicole waking up. While he was getting up I quickly ran into my closet and grabbed my BOBS they were neutral and they were the plush Paris BOBS. Liam and I then walked out into the kitchen to make breakfast well for him to make breakfast and for me to sit and watch I'm not really into the whole cooking thing that's Violet, Amy, and sometimes Kaley if she is in a good mood. Liam and I started talking so I then asked "Hey so when is this date going to be" and he replied by saying "how about tonight" I said ok and asked where are we going and all he replied with was "it's a surprise" and then continued cooking. He was making pancakes, eggs, french toast, regular toast and waffles he said you can never have to much food with Niall around and then I added Kaley too those two can eat. I also added in how their is ten of us so we have a lot of food. Liam told me he shouldn't be completely done for about a hour and a half too two hours so I just sat down and we talked.

Missing (One Direction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ