Chapter 24

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Louis POV 

How did she get my number! Their is no way in hell I'm gonna fall asleep now. Shit what am I gonna do. LIAM!!! I grab my phone and sprint to Liam and Kirirsten's room. "LIAM, LIAM, LIAM" I scream. Liam shoots up which makes Kiristen fall off the bed and she wasn't happy about that. Kiristen was now on the ground me laughing and everyone else coming in to see what all the commotion was. Everyone else ended up laughing at the girl on the ground face down. Kiristen was sitting on the ground groaning until Liam helped her up apologizing, Liams cheeks we a crimson color from knocking her off the bed. Once everyone stopped laughing Violet was the first to speak up "what's going on it better be important you interrupted my sleep" "trust me it's super important" I said passing around  my phone so everyone could see the text. Everyone's expression was the same horrified one as mine when I saw the messages. "What are we going to do" I questioned and all the girls had the same response "call James!", "who's James?" Harry asked. "James is a friend of ours, he helped us find you" Emma explained while we all just nodded our heads. "I'm going to go and call him" Emma said then walked out of the room, "so what's the plan?" Liam asked, "the plan is to take Louis phone and James will find out where Sophie is and then we will tell the police." Kaley explained to all of us. So once Emma came back she said that James was going to be here in 3 hours. Zayn and Violet decided to go back to sleep same with Emma and Harry. I was super tired since I didn't sleep yet so I went back to sleep to already find Kaley back in bed passed out. Now it's my turn to get some sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~ 2 and a half hours later ~~~~~~~~~~ 

I woke up to fine no one in bed beside me. I looked over at the clock and I slept for 2 and a half hours which was at least something. I got my ass out of bed and quickly took a shower and put on the clothes I was going to wear for the day. When I got downstairs surprisingly everyone was up and dressed I was the last one to wake up. James was going to be here in about 15 minutes so Violet got out her laptop and hooked it up to my phone. We heard knocking on the door and Nicole went to let James in. Once he got in here Kaley and Violet explained what was going on and James got to it. He was hitting a whole bunch of buttons and typing stuff in until an address popped up and Liam wrote it down so we could tell the police where Sophie was at. Turns out she was living in this area of flats which freaked me out a bit she could off gotten any of us at any time. We all so are goodbye's and thank you's to James and we both left. We got into each of our cars, we still have two because Crystal gave Kaley hers and then we have Nicole's car. So four in Nicole's car which was Nicole, Niall, Liam, and Kiristen with Niall driving and Nicole in passenger. Then the rest in Kaley's, Kaley was driving and I was in the passenger seat with Zayn and Violet in the middle and then Emma and Harry in the back of the car. We made our way to the closest police station which was about 15 minutes away and we all made our way inside. Somehow Violet knew one of the officers and asked to discuss everything with him. The officer whose name I believe is officer Williams asked a bunch of questions and we answer them all. They said she would defiantly be locked up because we had proof that she kidnapped us because of the text. The last thing we did was tell them where she was at and then officer Williams told us that they would contact us once Sophie was in custody. So then we left again but didn't want to go back to the flat so we decided to pick up our swim suits and go to the beach. The girls flat wasn't to far from the beach like a 5 minute drive. We packed some food to eat for lunch and then made our way to the beach. The beach is a private beach and you can only go there if you live in the development to their were only a couple people even though it was a Saturday which surprised all of us. The 5SOS boys left this morning to do something else I don't know what though so it was just us. I think they were either coming by though tonight or tomorrow. Once we got to the beach I pulled Violet aside to talk to her about the date I'm planning for Kaley. "Ok so I've decided to bring her to the boardwalk so we can just walk around and go on some rides, then we can eat and look at some of the shops and maybe get ice cream" Violet nodded showing me was listening until I was done, "yeah that sounds fun but do it at night and on a weekday the boardwalks will probably be crowded and the ice cream is a definite she will love it. Other than that I think you're good just don't let the paparazzi see you. I'm not sure Kaley wants that yet." after she was done talking she walked away. Going to look for Zayn I was guessing. I decided to do the same but to look for Kaley. I found just about to go in the water so I threw my shirt and shoes off and raced up to her. I picked her up and with her in my arms screaming ran into the ocean. When I finally put her down she was laughing her head off and so was I. To make me put her down she starting hitting my chest, but not to hard. Us, Liam, and Kiristen were the only ones in the ocean. Niall was with Nicole and she wanted to tan so he was with her and to be honest he looked pretty miserable. Then Harry and Emma were snogging, and Zayn and Violet were playing in the sand. Violet was burying Zayn while he was laughing and kept moving making the sand fall off of him again. I wasn't paying attention and Kaley decided to use that to her advantage by going under water and pulling me down. She scared the shit out of me I thought some creature was going to kill me. I was kicking my legs frantically and waving my arms around like a mad man. Kaley resurfaced and broke out laughing while I just looked at her. "Haha so funny" I said and Kaley just kept laughing while I sat there pouting. Kaley stopped laughing and came over to me "I'm sorry baby" she said in a teasing tone, she pecked my lips and swam away leaving me there shocked. By the time I moved again she was over by our stuff sitting on a blanket we brought looking my way smirking at me. I swam back to shore and sat next to Kaley and she was building a sandcastle, so I joined in. We all ate lunch then decided it was time to go. We all got in the water except Niall and Nicole, something doesn't seem right Niall loves going to the beach. I'm guessing it's because of Nicole, but we will see what happens between them. I don't think they will last, Niall doesn't look that happy. Nicole isn't good for him. We don't talk much but when we do she acts like those snobby rich girls in movies. I've noticed the only person she really talks to is Violet. Violet doesn't even seem to tolerate her all the time, like at Emma's birthday party she looked kind of pissed when they were talking. Whatever that isn't any of my business, I have other things to worry about like Kaley. All I need to figure out a day I want to do either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday because those should be the least crowded nights. I also have to talk to the lads about paparazzi. I don't think we should have a problem because 1. they don't really know we are here and 2. they weren't following us to the beach today so and 3. the 5SOS lads are here so they should be following them. I think I might talk to the lads in case though and see what they think about the paparazzi situation, they will know what to do. Zayn, Harry, and Niall still have kept their relationships private. So I plan to do it too. We all get in the car but we all make sure we don't have any sand on us, Kaley would kill us if we got sand in her car, and I don't plan on dying today. Kaley starts the car and we are home in 5 minutes all the girls call the showers first so me and the boys grab controllers and play some FIFA. "Hey Niall I saw you didn't go in the water at all you love to why" Harry asked guess I'm not the only curious one, "oh um I didn't want her to be all alone" he said a bit flustered. Then all of a sudden we hear yelling lots of yelling.

Violet POV

I noticed at the beach Niall didn't go in the water at all he just sat there with Nicole and looked miserable. So I decided to ask Nicole what was going on after I showered, I went to her room to her brushing her hair so I just came out with it. (Bold is Nicole)  "Niall looked miserable at the beach" "No he didn't" "yes he did he wanted to have fun not sit there, did you even tell him that he could leave and go swim" "no, I didn't want to be alone so what" "so what don't you even care about your boyfriend he has feelings too ya know" "somebodies being a bitch" "excuse me!" "I said somebodies being a bitch do I need to spell it out" "you know what Nicole you've been pissing me off a lot lately you are a shitty friend, I'm the only reason ur here NO ONE LIKES YOU, they all think ur a bitch, you ARE a bitch you know that wait no you're a dramatic rich snobby bitch" I scream at her fuming. Kaley comes in with Emma and they are standing in the doorway but Nicole doesn't notice and BAM she throws her fucking brush at me but misses so it hits the wall. Now the boys are up here to and Kiristen. "What the fuck you're pissing me off that was the straw" everyone else reacts to late and I punch Nicole square in the jaw then in the nose and I hear the crunch of her nose. Victory I broke it, Zayn is pulling me off Nicole and I'm fuming. "What the hell you psychotic bitch you broke my nose" "I'm the psychotic bitch" I laugh and get out of Zayn's grip and grab Nicole's hair and slamming her head against the wall because she is on the ground. She screams in pain and then Zayn is on me again grabbing me "stop you will kill her babe" he whispers in my ear and I relax then walk out of the room leaving her on the ground crying. All I hear before I go into my room is Niall breaking up with Nicole and Kaley and Emma screaming get out. I smile in triumph and go to my room with Zayn following behind. I kind of expect Zayn to yell but instead he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer "that was so sexy" he purrs in my ear, "hmm now was it" I say my lips really close to his. I can see it in his eyes he wants to kiss me but is trying to hold back so I tease him further by biting my lip. He smashes his lips onto mine and its a rough kiss both our tongues fighting for dominance. Zayn hands go down to my thighs signalling me to jump. I wrap my legs around his torso, my hands in his hair neither of us caring about air not wanting to pull away. He puts me against the wall and pulls away just for enough time to get air then his lips are against mine. I hear him moan when I bite his bottom lip softly, Zayn starts walking backwards towards our bed and without breaking the kiss lays me down with him on top of me. I break the kiss and flip us over so I'm straddling him then attaching our lips once again. Zayn slips my shirt off me so now I'm only in my bra, panties, and shorts. "This isn't fair" I say and take his shirt off also "their that's better" is the last thing I say before Zayn attaches our lips. Zayn cups my breast through my bra making me moan in pleasure. My body curving towards his touch. I got to Zayn's belt and start to unhook it. Zayn rises his hips so I can pull the belt off, tossing it to the floor with our shirts. His hands going to the buttons of my shorts and he opens it then kicks off his shoes. I shimmy out of my shorts feeling Zayn's erection pressed against me. Once my shorts are on the ground I slowly unzipped Zayn's jeans and unbuttoned them. Zayn sliding his jeans off, now all that is between us is his boxers and then my bra and panties. "You know I really went to fuck you but I can't not yet and the lace isn't helping if you can't see" Zayn says motioning down to his defiantly noticeable erection and I just giggle. "I know babe I'm sorry soon but not yet, but I can help you" I say to him my hand palming him through his boxers. Zayn is moaning and I just keep doing what I'm doing because of the way he keeps saying "keep going babe". Finally Zayn hits his orgasm and I make him go clean himself and change his boxers. Once he does I'm still not dressed and Zayn just comes out in boxers and lays down next to me pulling me closer to him then wrapping his arms around my waist. Since it was a late lunch like 4 we decide to go to sleep because it is 7 and we are both tired. "Goodnight Zayn I love you" "goodnight baby I love you too" Zayn replies then kisses my forehead. I fall asleep in Zayn's arms not even thinking about Nicole or what tomorrow will bring.

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