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I stood there taking deep breaths trying not to crack. My efforts prevailed when a felt a tear slide down my cheek. I hastily wiped it away not wanting anyone to see me upset. Today is supposed to be a happy day. Crying is only allowed if it's tears of joys. To my dismay Violet saw me crying. She walked over, well more like waddled while rubbing her huge belly. I couldn't help but crack a smile when I though about it, but it quickly disappeared when I thought about it more. Another tear slipped down my cheek and more followed. I tried to stop the tears so they didn't ruin my make-up, but once I would wipe those away more would just come. Violet wrapped her arms around me where I began to sobb. I kept trying to quiet my crying, but I couldn't help it. I could tell Violet was trying to stay strong by the way she tightened her grip around me. I immediatly felt mad knowing this can't be easy for her especially with her emotions all crazy. The way Violet had me wrapped in her arms seemed so motherly and I couldn't thank her enough for it. We were standing in front of the doors to the big room everyone was now waiting for me to enter in. I stepped back from Violet to see a stray tear rolling down her cheek. I moved my hand towards her cheek where the pad of my thumb wiped the tear away. Violet quickly did the same to me and made sure to fix my mascara that must of smudged. After one last hug we both took each others hand and walked into the room where my new husband and my family was waiting. Violet and I both separated to our husbands. Violet's frown quickly disappeared when she saw Zayn holding two year old Hunter. I looked around the room looking for rest of my family. I saw Dani and Liam where she was showing off her beautiful engagement ring that Liam gave her not to long ago. Eleanor and Louis were playing with their gorgeous daughter Delilah who will be turning one in August, which is next month. I couldn't make myself try and find Niall knowing I would find a broken man. Accidentally my eyes locked with his where he was standing across the room. He smiled but it didn't light up his eyes. He looked back down at his hands where he was playing with Kaley's engagement ring that she would probably never get to wear again. Niall kept it with him at all times ever since the car accident that put his fiancé in a coma. It has been a year and about a month since it happened. The doctors don't think she is going to wake up, but we don't want to pull the plug. We all decided that if she didn't wake up in two years we take her off life support. We have eleven months left. She has eleven months left. By then Zayn and Violet's twins will be born. They are already set on a girl name; Desirae. They are naming one of the girls after Kaley's middle name. They are due in December, but twins usually come two months early so probably October. Harry had his arm wrapped around me and he was also looking at Niall. We are all so upset about Kaley. Niall, Violet, and I the most crushed by what happened. She is supposed to be here right now at my wedding. She is supposed to be here for when her nephew Hunter turns three, and for when her nieces join the world in a couple months. She wasn't even here to see Dani's engagement ring. She's never going to get to see Harry and I's kids or her sisters. I couldn't help but to rub my stomach where a my child was. Harry and I also had to make that announcement and Kaley wouldn't be here for it. Kaley wouldn't even have the chance to have kids or get married. I feel so selfish even thinking about having kids when Kaley won't get too. Then there is Niall who lost his fiancé and the person he wanted to mother his children. The pain is all going to come back, but ten times harder if she doesn't wake up. I can't bare to think about having to plan a funeral for Kaley. Kaley is only 23 she doesn't deserve to die. Dying at 24 is too early to be ripped away from everyone who loves you. I'm going to make it past 24 and Kaley won't. All these thoughts are getting jumbled up in my head. I know Kaley would want me to happy on my wedding day, but how could I be when I was missing a bridesmaid. I quickly excused myself from the reception making the excuse up of having to change out of my wedding dress. I ran up to the hotel room we were using and stripped down to my undergarments all of a sudden feeling to hot. I knew this wasn't healthy for the baby, another person I couldn't afford to loose. I sat down and took some deep breaths before standing up again. I went over to the suitcase I had brought and took out the beautiful dress I had chosen to wear. It looked similar to the bridesmaids dressing but it stood out more. After calming myself down completely I made my way back to my wedding reception. The whole thing went by super fast and before I knew it I was being put in a car to go to the airport for my honeymoon.

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