Chapter 5

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Hi guys I need some help thinking of songs for each chapter ugh help me but I think it will mostly be One Direction songs unless I know a different song goes with the chapter.

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Song of The Chapter

Save You Tonight 

By: One Direction 

Nicole Pov 

I woke up to Violet making breakfast singing to "Tell Me A Lie" by One Direction. Emma can sing really really well I can sing pretty good to and so can Violet, but she also writes songs and Crystal and Kaley just don't really sing at all. When I get up and go into the kitchen I find Emma and Violet singing "Tell Me A Lie" "Tell me I'm a screwed up mess that I never listen, listen tell me you don't want my kiss that you need your distance, distance tell me anything but don't say he's what you're missing, baby, if he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight spare me what you think and... TELL ME A LIE. I started applauding and they looked over at me and started blushing, but they both quickly recovered and started laughing. Kaley then came all grumpy and asked what all the noise was about and I yelled One Direction and she looked at us with a look that said "oh ok now I get it but you still woke me up". Crystal walked in and said "Ok lets eat then leave to go save our boys". We all quickly ate then grabbed our bags and stuffed them in the car. "Shit how are we going to bring the boys back in this car we only have three more seats not five" I said. Violet then said what if Kaley or you get a car cause you want a Mazda so six in Crystal's car (which is the one they already have) and four in yours. We all said ok and quickly drove to the car dealer ship. Once I bought my car we moved my bag and Violet's into my car and then we were on our way. We were driving for about 6 hours a little less and we finally arrived on the road where the house was where the boys were being help captive. We parked a decent amount away from the house so no one would see us. Once we parked we got out of the car and we tried to think of a plan on how to get the boys because we couldn't just run in there. Once we finally came up with our plan we all knew what we had to do.

Authors Note

Sorry it's not that long I just wanted to get an update done tonight this chapter is mostly just a filler but next update hopefully the boys are rescued or will they get caught by Sophie and all be in some big trouble. Oh and anything bad I say about the boys I don't mean I love the boys with all my heart and always will. :)

Bye my Unicorns love you all!!!

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