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Bright was in his office groaning in frustration. His assistant, Rina, gave her 2 weeks notice a week ago. So now he has to look for a new one.

She got married and they decided to move to America. Bright was happy for her, but was definitely going to miss her.

Now, he's going over a list of new people that could take her spot. He wants to choose the best, but, he also wants to choose someone who wont hit on him.

Everyone in the office has worked for Bright and Gulf for years. They know about his friendship with Gulf, and his relationship with Win.

Bright doesnt feel like having to explain to someone that hes already a taken man. Plus it would fuel Wins jealousy and possessiveness.

Ever since that last incident, Win hasn't been himself. He wants Bright to be with him when he gets the chance to be away from work, text him constantly asking what hes doing, who's around him, and he gets mad if anyone gets close to him.

I mean, it's not Brights fault hes handsome, and it's not like Win doesnt have people hitting on him either.

The other day , Bright and Win went out to the movies for a small date. When they were paying for popcorn, Wins ex sex buddy, Joss, came up to Win without even sparing a look at Bright.

He tried to have small talk, asking Win about how hes been. Bright had to step in and drag Win away, and all Win did was laugh. Bright was mad during the whole movie, of course, they had makeup sex. But it didnt excuse the fact that Bright wasnt the only one who had people hitting on him.

Bright decided he'll have the interviews in person. Just so Bright could make sure they pass the vibe check.

It was the day of the interviews and Bright only called in 5 people. He thought they were good candidates because of their resumes, but now he wanted to see what they were like In person.

Hes already been through 3 people, they all seemed to keep checking him out and asking questions about his love life whenever Bright was trying to talk casually with them.

Bright couldnt really think either, Win kept blowing his phone up asking questions as well. He had to turn his phone off just to get some peace.

"Well Mr. Delano(I'm bad names) what makes you want to work here?" Bright asked. He was on his 4th candidate. Mr. Delano looked Bright in the eyes and smirked
"Well I mean you're going to be my boss and that's enough for me" he said in a flirtatious tone. Bright wanted to gag, why was everyone always flirting with him.
"Well mr. Delano I'll get back to you" bright put his hand out so they could shake. Mr. Delano gripped his hand a little roughly then smiled.
"Even If I dont get the job, please dont hesitate to call anytime" with that mr. Delano grabbed his briefcase and walked out.

Bright was quite devastated, he really thought that man wouldve been the one. His application was flawless. He graduated from the best school, had the best grades, was respectful in the mini essay, and had recommendations from other companies.

Bright shook his head then then got up from his desk to walk out.
"Um Ms. Armani?" Bright called out. Then a small women stood up looking completely nervous. She walked up to Bright and stared at him before smiling
"Um y-yes I'm she but you can just call me Neno" she bowed then Bright smiled then to walk back into the office.

"Well ms. A- I mean neno, I'm pretty sure you know me already but you can call me Bright" Bright warmly smiled which cause the nervous lady to blush.
"O-okay" "well Neno I've been over your resume and honestly you would be an amazing candidate for this but you could also be head of your own business with your skills. What makes you want to be my assistant?" Bright was waiting for the flirty behavior but was surprised by the answer.

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