Why him?

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3 weeks of dating was going good for the two boys. They barely had any worries, unless it had something to do with their separate businesses.

They already announced their relationship to their families and coworkers. To their suprise, people already seemed like they knew, or they would say stuff like "finally", "took you long enough", "werent they already married?"

They just laughed every thing off. All they wanted to do was enjoy  being together but that was  still hard  for others to do.

Love, even though he announced his relationship with Win, still wouldnt leave Bright alone about a family and money.

She would come to Brights office during work hours and disturb him. Asking the same questions everyday.

"Why are you with him?"

"Dont you want a family?"

"Can we just be together like we were supposed too?"

"How could you choose him over me?"

Bright was getting stressed, and worse no sleep. He was only getting 3-4 hours in before he'd have to get up and go to work. He hasn't told Win any of it, but it wasnt like he was hiding it either.

They havent been able to sleep in the same bed for the past week because Wins been buried in paperwork and meetings. But that didnt stop Win from  noticing dark circles under Brights eyes, his pale skin, his weight loss, and grumpy attitude.

Once, Win walked in to go and have an early lunch with Bright. But by the time he made it to his office, Bright was knocked out on his desk with papers all around him.

Win didnt want it to be like last time, he didnt want to have to get someone to follow him then force what's going on out of him as well. He just wish win trusted him enough to tell him.

Win had a clue that it was probably still Love messing with him. so Win, being the genius he is,  planned an encounter with Love so they could talk.

Win had Mike follow her for the past 3 days since he saw Bright scattered on his desk. Mike told him how shes been busy. Shes been shopping at high brand places, eating at expensive restaurants with older men, and partying at clubs.

Win didnt understand how someone who seemed to be living a good life was so obsessed with getting with Bright again. But he was sure going to find out, even if she didn't give him the answers he wanted.

Mike had told Win that Love usually sits out at a cafe near Brights building everyday at 3. Win planned to be there so they could accidentally run into eachother.

Win got there exactly 3 minutes before 3, just enough time to see Love walking inside. He hurried after her but not to the point he looked suspicious.

Once inside, he saw Love sitting at a table looking, over the menu. Win went up to the counter and order a small ice tea just to make it seem he came here for something.

He then made his way over to Loves table.

"Oh, Love? Is that you?" Win faked his surprise voice
"Oh,  Win, hello. Nice to um.....see you" Win could tell she didnt really mean it,  but he didnt care.
"What brings you over here to this side of town?" He asked. She placed the menu down and put a fake smile on.
"Just craving some sweets. I live close over here" she answered. Yeah if close meant a 40 minute drive Win thought to himself.
"Ok well do you mind if I join you? I havent spoken to you since the party." She nodded and gestured for him to sit down. 

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