A year later.

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A year had passed since the boys agreement on becoming friends with benefits.

They kept it private and didnt even tell any of their friends on the agreement they made. But little did they know their friends saw a difference in their relationship.

Yes, bright and win were already close and seemed very comfortable around eachother, but instead of acting like best friends they seemed to act more like a couple.

Bright and win were blind  to their actions, thinking it was normal. But the truth was over the year one person ended up letting the feelings take over.


First starting with win. The night of wins birthday him and bright continued their tradition. After dinner with their family they had went back to brights house.

They were in the living room drinking their asses off listening to scrub songs.
Win was waiting patiently for brights gift to him.

"Alright alright" bright said taking out a box "now I'm not really sure how you'll react to the gift, but I want you to know this really did come from the heart and I hope it brings you come comfort" bright explained.

That made win become more curious to what bright got him. He hesitated at first but grabbed the box and opened it.

Once he saw what was inside he paused for a moment and let a single tear drop. Bright seeing that got scared and regretted the gift.

"I'm sorry win I tho- "
"I love it" win said interrupting still looking at the gift.
"How did..." "well I asked your mom about when was the last trip you and your dad had tooken together, she told me but also mentioned how the photos got lost because of a store and you were devastate" bright explained "I took your dad's old camera and computer and brought it to a friend....and here we are."

Bright had gotten win a portrait of win and his dad's last trip together which was a year before he died. They had spent the whole day at a resort  sight seeing and hiking up mountains.
His dad wanted to make memories with win since he was going to be working for the company soon. A storm had came in and flooded his dad's laptop and camera, win told his dad that I didnt matter and that he would always remember the time they spent together anyways.

"I also got you something else" bright added handing win a smaller but heavier box.

Win opened it and it was a white snow globe. In side was a replica of the mountain him and his dad climed with both of them on top holding hands.

Win was so overwhelmed with emotion the only thing he could do was jump bright and give him a hug while sobbing.

"T-thank y-you bright so so much" win cried. Bright held the crying boy in his arms caressing his head.
"Dont thank me win, you deserve it. I wanted you to remember this birthday since this is the second one without your dad" win cried more and held bright even tighter.

Out of all the years brights blessed him with his love and showered him with gifts, this is the first one that actually made him get emotional it was also the first one to make wins heart swell up. At that moment win thought of all the times bright made me happy and bright joy to his world after being sad, frustrated, or lonely.

Win moved him head from brights neck and looked him in the eyes.
"Would it be wrong to ask for birthday sex right now?" Win asked still sniffing. Bright chuckled and leaned in kissing win.

After that night while win was in bed sleeping next to bright, he came to the conclusion that he had fallen for bright.


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