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2 days passed and win still had that uneasy feeling that bright was hiding something from him.

He didn't want to doubt bright, and accuse him of lying but he couldnt help but think that he was.

Bright started acting supioucs around win. Taking secret phone calls, leaving to go to "meetings" , and drinking still.

He wasnt doing it to the point where he passed out but win saw all the bottles in the fridge when he visited brights house.

Win wanted to let it go, but if bright was in trouble he wanted to help. Even if bright didnt want it.

Win drove by to brights building to check up on him, and maybe see if hes doing anything suspicious behind his back.

Win made it inside, said hi to a couple people then made it to the top floor. When he got there he saw brights assistant pacing back and forth outside of his room.

He ran up to her and held her arm gently to calm her down.
"What's wrong rina?" He asked. She looked at him and then let out a long sigh
"I-Im not s-sure I-if I can tell y-you" she stuttered out. Win raised his eyebrows and got a confused expression on his face
"Why not". She sighed again the looked down
"Because Mr. Bright said he didnt want to bother you with his problems,  so he told me not to tell you anything but..." she then bit her lip
"But what?" Win knew something was wrong with bright. Why didnt he tell him anything? Why did he think it would bother me.
"B-But he just got back from on of his meetings and bursted into tears. I tried asking him what's wrong and calming him down but he just wouldnt....then I asked if he wanted to see you since you know..."
"What?" Win was taken aback by the words
"Arent you guys an item now?" She questioned

Win heart started pounding fast and he felt his self blushing. Yes it would be good to have that official title but they werent a thing, and if brights assistant thought that then who else did?

Win cleared his throat "um no were not a thing.....just best friends" win was hurt by his own words, he knew deep down he wanted more than that. He wanted bright has his and only his.

"Oh oh my gosh, I am so sorry for assuming its guys have been real sweet to eachother lately.." she explained looking down at the ground due to embarrassment. Win smiled lightly and decided to go back to their previous conversation.

"Well, can you tell me what happened after you asked bright that question. "
"Oh right, I asked but he said no. That he didnt want you in this situation, he didnt want you to be upset about it and feel the need to include yourself. He said you were already stressed with work" she explained. Win shook his head then thought for a second, whatever bright didnt want to tell him must be bad. Instead of getting angry he tried to understand brights point of view.

Win decided he'll wait for bright to tell him instead of investing himself into it.

"Is it okay if I go in?" Win asked really wanting to see if bright was alright
"I think so...when I left out the room he was still crying and he told me to let everyone go home early" I nodded my head and told her to go ahead and leave. Win wanted to at least be there for bright, even if he didnt know what was going on, he still needed to be by his side.

Once win knew that most of brights employees made their was off the top floor he hurried to brights office and stood there for a moment.

"Its okay win" he whispered to himself. Instead of knocking he opend the office door.

The room was quiet. Brights windows had tint over them which made the room dark as well. Brights office was pretty spacious with it's own sofa and bathroom inside .

Win closed the door and looked around, he couldn't see much. He walked over to the sofa quietly and saw a dark figure layed out on the sofa. Win sighed and went next to it.

Once he sat down he could see bright soft skin under the little light from the windows in the room. He shakes bright gently

"Bright" he whispers. No response
"Bright" he whispers a little louder and bright moves up and turn his head to see win.

"Win? What're you doing here" he asked bright turned on a lamp that was next to the sofa, ein could see brights puffy eyes and pink cheecks. He must've cried himself to sleep win thought.

"I know you have a problem you dont want to tell me. As much as it hurts to know you dont want to tell me, I still need to be there for you. So I'm here to hold you until you feel better. You have a problem with that" win declared, not breaking eye contact with bright

"Win it's not tha-" "nope, we're not gonna talk about it now okay" win interrupted

"Just let me hold you okay?" Win opened his arms. Bright not wanting to argue let win do what he wanted. He scooted closer and layed his head in the crook of win neck while his arms wrapped around his waist. Win wrapped his tightly around bright as he rested his chin on his head.

"I'm sorry win" bright muttered "I sorry I didnt tell you and that I lied"
Win let out a short sigh and shook his head .
"Its okay, you'll tell me when you're ready?" Win asked hoping he'll get a yes. Bright shook his head and kissed win on his neck
"I promise" bright said
Win smiled and leaned then back and closed his eyes.

This is nice both bright and win thought.

     Short chapter today sorry if it's short to you guys, I just wanted to try something new with this book. Plus the chapters are what's on my mind at the moment, I dont really have a plan for how things will go it's all just based on what I come up with at that moment. Either way I'm glad you guys are enjoying it, thanks for reading and voting 💕💕.

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