the talk

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A week had passed since that very night and things have been a bit awkward between bright and win.

When win woke up that morning he was cuddle up with bright, at first he was confused then remembered everything that happened. Because win was embarrassed a bit he ended up leaving before bright woke up.

Days passed and win buried himself in his work to avoid bright. But it wasnt because of what happened, it was because he wanted to happen again.

He felt so stupid for wanting to feel brights body on his but that's all he thought about for the past week, hence why he decided to avoid bright and work more.

In the mornings he would try and leave before bright would get there which meant having to get up earlier than usual.

He spoke with his family and left before bright could get there. Win felt it was stupid to act like this, I mean they both were adults. But win didnt have the courage to tell his bestfriend "hey the sex was amazing I want to do it again and again" no matter how many times win played it out in his head everything sounded werid.

So has the week passed he stayed away from bright hoping when they meet again they could just forget it happened.

Win was sitting in his office completing and filling out some forms. It was still early in the morning so most of his staff werent there yet.
While he was working he heard his phone go off.

Even though hes been avoiding bright, bright hasn't been doing the same. He'd been texting win asking him why he'd been avoiding him, win always lied and just said he was busy with work. Bright had stopped texting after the 3rd day of asking but today was different

*You've hidden yourself long enough. *

Win was confused on the message. What does he mean? I'm not hiding, just avoiding him win thought to himself. Before he could send a text back he heard a loud bang from outside his door.

At first win thought of jumping out the window but realized he was on the top floor. Win wasnt the type to run towards sounds, when people in scary movies did that they died.

Win heard the bang again and jumped by the how loud it had gotten. Win got up slowly out of his seat and walk towards the door, win placed his hand on the doorknob and hoped that it was just a loose cat running around.

He finally swung the door open only to be grabbed and pushed up against the wall. His eyes were closed and win feared this would be his last day on this earth. He heard the person lock the door and let out a long sigh. But it wasnt just any sigh win knew that sigh, it was the sigh bright would do whenever he was frustrated. Win felt warm breath on his cheek.

Win opened his eyes to see an angry bright standing before him. Win face began to heat up and his body shivered

Win slowly opened to see an angry bright staring at him. Win gulped nervously and looked around the room to avoid brights eyes.

"Why have you been avoiding me win" bright asked in a cold tone
"I h-havent" win whispered. Bright lightly chuckled the grabbed win by the waist and threw him on the couch.

Win was so shocked he didnt have time to react, the next thing he knew bright was hovering over him and both of them were breathing hard.

Win didnt want to but he couldnt help how hot bright looked right now. Win loved how dominant and scary bright could get, especially in a situation like this.

"Look win if you're embarrassed about what happened that night then say it. You're much best friend I dont want to lose you because of a stupid mistake." Bright was honestly hurt by his own words, he wasnt embarrassed. Deep down he wanted to do it again, and win knew bright was right.

He didn't want their friendship to be over either even though he was the one avoiding bright, over the week he missed seeing him in the mornings, and them driving over to the family mansion to spend time together.

Win knew he had to suck it up and come clean about what he was feeling . Bright is a very understanding person so he wouldnt be angry.

"Its not that bright" win mumbled. Bright who was confused moved their position and sat next to win staring at him waiting for him to finish.

"I havent been avoiding you because I was embarrassed, I was doing it because........I wanted it again" win breathed out. Bright felt a slight relief he wasnt the only one craving to do it again.

It was all bright thought about for the past week. He knew win was his best friend but he felt something inside pulling him to win and wanting more.

"Why didnt you just tell me?" Bright questioned.
"Because I didnt want to make it werid" win simply answered. Bright started laughing a little and win took offense to it so he hit bright in the shoulder.

"Hey why are you laughing?" He whined
"I'm sorry win its're not the only one who felt that way" wins eyebrows rose up and went completely frozen.
"Look were bestfriends and we both have needs, it's nothing wrong with liking to have sex with someone" bright explained "especially if their really good in bed" bright winked at win and win started blushing hard.

"So what now?" Win asked quietly
"How about..." bright moved in closer to win and placed his hands on his waist making win jump in his lap
"We continue doing what we've been craving" bright had a smirk on his face staring at a flustered win.

With that bright leaned in and kissed win slowly, win still spoken up by it had his eyes open staring at bright but soon gave in and started kissing back.

Bright grabbed win and flipped them so win was on top. Win moved from brights lips to his neck, he slowly started grinding on bright making him let out soft moans. Win smirked at that and continued kissing and licking him until someones phone rang.

They both stopped their actions and groaned. Bright was about to sit up when win pushed him back down.
"Win ? What're you do- Mhm" win leaned back in and kissed bright.

After a couple more seconds he pulled away and their eyes darted.
"How about this, since we both enjoy why not instead of bestfriends......we can be......bestfriends with benefits?" Win questioned still not sure if it's a good idea or not.

Bright on the other hand was surprised that win would even consider such a thing. He knew win did have a habit of sleeping around whenever he got to frustrated with work, he never judge him on it.

Bright thought maybe it could be a good idea. 1 they both dont have feelings for eachother and 2 brights never had sex with a guy before, win was his first.

"Alright, I can deal with that" bright replied "'re also gonna have to help me out, I've never had sex with a guy" bright explained. Win had totally forgot about that, bright spent most of his years with love and not once was bright able to experiment. Win knew bright did find guys attractive but he never made moves on them because he was with love.

"Okay deal" with that win got off of bright and fixed himself up.
"I'll see you later for dinner tonight?" Bright asked as be fixed his tie
"Yeah, I'm not busy now" he said with a smirk.
Bright laughed and they said their goodbyes to one another.


Okay, so now that we have how they got into their "friends with benefits" relationship we can start with the rest of them story 🥳.
Enjoy the reading and please vote.

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