Unpleasant past.

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High school junior year

Bright was on the roof of the school waiting. Love had told him she needed to talk and to be there before lunch started.

He was looking at the view of all the buildings till he heard the door to the roof open, he turned around and saw and weary looking love coming towards him slowly.

"Bright" she whispered softly "I have something to tell you" bright then got an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He and love had been having problems lately, mainly because of how slow his and gulfs business was growing, she also  felt she didn't get the attention she deserved.

"Yeah okay, what is it?" Bright said trying not to sound scared.
"Well, I missed my period so I went and got a test taken.....bright we're having a child" bright who was to busy processing the news didnt catch the hint of anger in her voice. He then became over joyed with a smile growing.

"Really?" He beamed. She shook her head yes
"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be a dad? I'm gonna be a dad!" Bright started hugging love tight and smiling uncontrollably. Even though his mom may be upset he was still happy, hes always wanted a family and now he gets to have it with the love of his life.

"Ok bright but first before I decide, I need to know how the business is going. Any money coming in?" She asked. Bright let her go and told her the truth like he always does.

"Well, it's going slow but we are still going in strong. The market is going a little slow but with more research and trying to find funding we should soon be able to grow larger" Bright explained. Love looked at him and sighed
"Bright you've been saying that for months now, how do you expect me to take care of a child when we have no money?" She asked harshly
"I mean if we both get jo-"
"A JOB!? You expect me to work? Are you kidding me?" Love pushed brights arms away from her and stepped back  crossing her arms.

"I'm not working, when we started dating you had this idea in your head for a while, when we said our I love yous for the first time you started planning it  with gulf. We've been dating for almost 2 years now, when am I gonna see some money coming in? When is the business gonna blow up? How do you expect me to have a baby if I'm not going to be taken care of?"
Bright was speechless, he didnt know how to answer those questions. He did want to take care of love and give the child everything it deserves, but he thought that they'd both work for it like bright had been doing for years now.

"What are you saying?" Bright mumbled
"I'm saying" love sighed "maybe we shouldnt have this baby, unless.......you can ask win for some money to help boost it?" She asked
"Love, you know I cant do that. First off that's his father's money, and second we are bestfriends. I'm not taking advantage of him" bright concluded. Love huffed and threw her arms down.
"So what? If hes your bestfriend then he should be happy to give you money"
"I'm not asking. End of discussion" with that love left bright on the roof.

Bright ran his hand through his hair, he was frustrated. Why cant she just worry about the baby instead of the business?

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