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Bright and win have always been each other glue whenever there was a problem. Bright was there for when wins father died and win was there for his first heartbreak.

Growing up and always being together made them know each other inside and out.

Currently bright is at home waking up at 4:00 in the morning to get started. He gets out of bed and continues his morning routine then making a simple breakfast for himself.

Today's is his friend Offs birthday. He's throwing a huge one for his long life on earth. Bright had work he needed to complete but decided to give it off to one of his employees to go and celebrate.

Once bright is done with his breakfast he hurries up out of the door and makes his way to his best friend's house.

Every morning since win and bright wherein college bright would go to win to wake him up. No matter how busy bright was he always made sure to be there with a bright smile and breakfast.

On his way there he stopped to get some donuts and pink milk. A quiet and slow ride later he made it to his house.

Bright already had a key so he was quick with getting inside without any noise. He took off his shoes and jacket and headed upstairs to wake a sleeping win.

"Aye win it's time to get up" bright yelled. Win whine and stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. Bright when to him and threw his cover off causing win to instantly wake up due to the cold and fall off his bed.

"Owww bright" win whined "why can you be more gentle"
"If I was more gentle you'd never get out of bed, now hurry and eat your breakfast" bright walking back downstairs.

He made his self comfortable on the couch till win came down to wear baggy clothes.
"What's for breakfast?" Win asked when he came into the living room
"Donuts and pink milk" bright replied "if you want something else we can go out later" win nodded his head and went to the kitchen to stuff his face with the donuts.

Once he was done he came to the living room to a bored-looking bright and sat next to him on the couch.
"You know it's offs birthday today right?" Win asked bright hummed and brought his phone out
"I got him a gift already but it's not going to be here till tomorrow" bright groaned.
"Ehh it's fine we can just tell him that, it's not like its gonna matter all he wants to do is drink" win said laughing

Bright raised his eyebrow and turned his head towards win
"What do you mean we" bright questioned
"Oh right, I didn't get him a gift. I've been busy with the company " win explained

Bright rolled his eyes and just agreed to let whatever win wanted to go on.
"Are you ready to go yet? It's still early" bright said breaking the silence
"Yeah just let me change" win ran upstairs and decided to put on an oversized hoodie with ripped jeans.

He quickly ran downstairs to notice bright eating one of the donuts left behind.
"I thought you said you were on a sugar-free diet" win jerked out
Brights glared at him and walked off still eating the donut. Win followed laughing loudly behind him.

Win and bright usually go and see their family in the morning and spend time with them before they do any work.  When bright was rich enough he bought his family a house later to turn it into a 2-way mansion when Win's father died and wanted everyone to be together.

They reached the house and it was already 6. Both their moms should be up by now. They head inside to see both win and brights mom on the sofa sharing a laugh as they eat their morning breakfast.

"Morning mom morning auntie" bright greets them both giving a small hug.
"Morning loves, you're early today," brights mom says
"Yeah, we have to leave to go and celebrate a friend's birthday today so we came to be with you guys early" win explained as he sat down between brights and his mom.

"I'm gonna go check on nixie alright?" (a/n: really lazy with the names)  Bright says heading upstairs to his sister's room. When he gets there he softly knocks on the door. Not hearing an answer he does it again harder, this time having the door fling open with a tired-looking nixie

"Well good morning my beautiful sister" bright says in a teasing tone.
"Haha very funny good morning to you too," nixie says sarcastically as she walks out of her room
"Why are you guys here so early?" She asked
"Me and win have somewhere to be today so we thought we'd spend extra time with you guys" bright explained following nixie
"Ohh is my big brother finally gonna marry our Winnie" nixie teases

Bright glares at her then thump her in the head
"You watch too much BL" bright grumbles then head downstairs
"Dont be mad at me because you guys are in love with each other without knowing it" nixie whispers as she heads into the bathroom. But she didn't know bright heard and felt a little smile come across his face without even knowing.

Bright made his way back to the living still with a small smile on his face.
"Why are you smiling like an idiot" win questioned raising his eyebrow. Bright immediately let his smile turn into a frown and became nervous with the question
"N-nothing" bright answered cursing himself for stuttering.

Win brushes off brights behavior and puts his focus back on the tv till he remembered something
"Mom wheres mick?" Win asked looking around
"Ohh let him sleep in, he started his job yesterday and was really worn out by it," brights mother said win nodded his head, and went back to the tv.

Hours passed and bright and win had to leave so they could go and get ready for offs birthday party. They headed out saying their goodbyes to their family not knowing what was ahead of them.


AHHHH guys it's the 1st chapter and I'm excited. I changed up the writing style tho. Hope you like it.

 Hope you like it

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