the kiss.

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Bright was still standing there, dumbfounded by her. He felt like running, crying, and getting drunk.

Bright,  may have not been the type to drink, but if he's sad or gets emotional he turns into Win.

Bright was snapped out of his trance when everyone applauded after Off blew out his birthday candles. Bright quickly went back to his seat at the bar and started ordering up his drinks.

He wanted to leave but he was the only one who was gonna take care of Win. He tried to keep himself hidden so she wouldn't see him. Bright looked over his shoulder more than he could even remember.

Every time he saw her he took a shot. Every time he thought about her he took a shot, every time he felt the urge to cry he took a shot. He wanted to get fucked up so he couldn't remember this night.

He hadn't seen her since high school. After he and Gulfs business blew up,  Bright told himself he would forget about his past and worry about his future. But it was hard for Bright to forget when his past when it was  almost 6 feet away from him.

Win , on the other hand, was on the dance floor having the time of his life. He had already down 4 bottles of beer and a dozen shots he could come across. He was grinding and moving his hips with his friends New and Krist.

Time went by,  and Win craved for another drink. He left his friends and headed towards the bar. Before he could get close he bumped into someone

"Oh sorry I didn't see you" Win said giggling, he was really drunk.
"Oh no, it m- Win?" The person questioned. Even though Win was drunk, he could still see the person clearly. He stared from her red pumps that match the silky red dress she had to the curls in her head.

Once Win got a really good look at her,  his eyes widen in shock.
"Love?" Win screamed out but the music was too loud for it to disturb anyone
"Yes yes it's me," Love said smiling brightly
"Wow, I didn't expect you to be here" Win said nervously, Win knew that if he saw Love that means Bright did too. He tried looking around to see where Bright was so he could go and comfort him.

"It's nice to see you again," Love said, "is Bright here with you too?" She asked.  Win didn't want to lie but he knew if he said yes she would probably want to talk to him and he knew Bright would possibly have a panic attack.
"Um sorry no he's not. He couldn't come he had some work to finish " win lied while still trying to search for bright in the crowd.

"Oh," Love said sounding disappointed "well then maybe next time," she said with a nervous chuckle
"Yeah maybe, hey sorry to do this but I actually have to go so..." with that Win had scurried off to search for Bright.
He went up to the open bar but only saw tay there chatting with some people

"Hey, Tay where did Bright go?" Win asked with fear in his voice.
"Um, last time I saw him, he was headed to the bathroom" Tay answered. Win gave him a thanks and headed to the men's room.

Win went inside of the bathroom, locking it. He checked the stall not seeing anything until he reached the last one. He immediately recognized the shoes and knocked softly on the stall.

"Bright.....let me in please" Win begged,  hoping Bright was just drunk and not crying because he saw her. Bright slowly opened the stall to reveal him on the floor with puffy eyes and messy hair, as if he'd been running his hands through it for the past hour.

Win went inside the stall closing the door and sat closely next to Bright letting him cry on his shoulder.
"It's okay Bright just breathe," Win spoke softly.
"Why d-did she has to be h-have to be here? W-why did she h-have to show her f-face" Bright said while sobbing.

All Win could do was hold his best friend tightly in his arms as he cried.

Once Bright had calmed down, he was still holding on to Win. He liked the worth that he gave while holding him.

"Go ahead, spill it out," Win said,  breaking the silence. Win knew this was the part where Bright would call himself worthless and blame himself for their break up. But all in all that wasn't true.

Love only wanted Bright for his money. But since Bright was taking too long with the company,  she left him. Now she's back because of how successful he is.

"I feel like such an idiot" Bright started "I'm crying over someone who broke up with me years ago, I feel like a worthless piece of-"
"That's not true," Win  interrupted  "you, Bright,  are the most amazing, hardworking, dedicated person I've ever met. You built your company up to the way it is now, you're the reason for your success. Why do you let her get in your brain like this?" Win asked  getting angry by Brights words.

Bright was shook. Win always let him rant on about how useless he is,  but this time, this time he doesn't?

"I dont know Win, she was the first person I ever loved. After that no one wanted me, no one needed me, no one wanted to love me." Bright explain trying to hold his tears in.

Win turned and held Brights face so they were looking at each other.
"What about me? I love you, I need you, I....." Win didn't finish his sentence. He was afraid he said the wrong thing.

Instead, Win and Bright stared at each other with a soft gaze. The connection between them becoming stronger. As if  they were being pulled together by magnets.

Bright grabbed Wins hand that was on his face and continued staring into his eyes.

Even though both of them were drunk out of their mind, a little part of them still knew what they were doing. Win moved in first giving a light peck on Brights lips.

Bright didn't react at first, he stayed still giving a blank expression. Win waited for him to say something but the next thing he knew he felt Brights soft plump lips on his.

Bright deepens the kiss by putting his hand on Wins neck. Win slowly melts into the kiss closing his eyes and enjoying the taste of Bright.


That was a little sucky but here's the kiss😙😙😙😙.

Have a great day you guys.

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