Loving you.

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For the past couple days love hasn't bother both win and bright, win still had her followed just incase, she still seemed to be going out but not anywhere near the two boys.

Win and bright were in bed cuddling, after many months, both boys finally were able to have 2 days off from work. They usually would spend their free time with their moms and siblings, but everyone in the joint mansion all of a sudden decided they wanted to be left alone, so the boys decided to just spend it together.

"Bright?" Win whispered into brights ear. Bright groaned but still didnt wake up, win smiled then kissed his cheek
"Bright let's go on a date" bright fluttered his eyes opened and looked to win
"Where do you wanna go?" Brights asked still sleepy
"Nothing extravagant, maybe small....a picnic maybe?" Win suggest. Bright smiled and kissed wins forehead
"That's sounds wonderful baby, when do you want to leave?"
"How about in an hour or 2, we still have to get ready and make food." Bright nodded and quickly got out of bed to head to the bathroom.

"I'll take shower then start on the food, and how about you get the supplies then find a location" win nodded and got out the bed to head to the other bathroom.

After 2 hours of cooking, cleaning, and searching for a good place, they checked over everything before heading to the car.

"Extra forks?"
"Cups, napkins, and a kiss from you" bright smiled
"Check, check, and..."
Win leaned in to peck brights lips

The smiled and made their way to the car. After loading up all supplies, they buckled up and left .

"Win I just thought about something" bright blurted out
" what is it?" Win asked furrowing his eyebrows
"We couldve just bought a park instead of searching for one"  bright laughed out. Win rolled his eyes and light punched brights shoulder
"Bright just because we're rich doesnt mean we need to always spend money, especially on stuff like that" bright shook his head
"That's the whole point of being rich, spending money on pointless stuff" they both laughed and went into a comfortable silence.

After a 20 minutes drive they arrived at a large field, their was barely anyone there but others were playing or walking their dogs.

"Okay I'll go look for a spot, hand me the blankets" win said
"Okay be safe" bright said. Win smiled and ran off excitedly to the large field.

Bright was able to carry most of the stuff, good thing they only needed the large picnic basket and cooler. He looked around the large field trying to locate win, his eyes finally landed on the tall figure by a tree taking a picture of something on the ground.

Bright walked over to him to see win taking a picture of a colored Caterpillar. Win smiled fondly as his boyfriend, and to think he couldnt get cuter than that, win started shrieking at the cuteness of the Caterpillar.

Bright smiled and placed the stuff down carefully, to then sneak up behind win and give him a tight hug.

Win yelped at the action but soon calmed down once he realized it was bright.
"Bright tou scared me" win whined
"I'm sorry but you just looked so cute" bright gushed out before leaving kisses all over wins neck.

Win let out a small giggle before turning around into the hug and pecking brights nose.
"Come on let's eat okay?" They smiled at eachother and sat down to set everything up for them.

Laughing and chatter was all that could be heard from the two. They enjoyed eachother company while talking about random things.

Now they were laying down looking up at the clouds.
"That one kind of looks like a hotdog" win said pointing to a cloud
"And you look beautiful"
"Bright I had no idea you could be this cheesey" win giggled
"Well I'm only like this to the ones I love so very much" bright said as he squeezed win.

Win was smiling but then it started to slowly fade. He started thinking about love again.
Did he act like this with her? Did they go on picnics and look at clouds? Win took notice to it, and he grabbed wins chin to make him look him in the eyes.

"Dont think about her" bright whispered "shes meant nothing compared to the way I feel for you, you've owned my heart since the very beginning" wins lips parted then he sat up to sit directly in from of bright crisscrossing his legs.
"What do you mean since the beginning?" Win was dumbfounded
Bright sighed copying wins position then started smiling.

"Well I've been thinking about it and I think I loved you in this way but I didnt notice it"win nodded for him to continue
"When we first me remember how we had shared the snail, mr. Dewie, I told myself that day I'd protect you, and be there for you through anything. Growing up I did just that, I made sure you were taken cared of when your parents were out of town, beat up the bullys for you, help you with your homework, all of it. Even when I was dating love, the only thing I put before her was you. I thought it was because we were bestfriends but I think now it was more than that. You mean everything to me, I'd risk everything just to make sure you're still smiling. You have no idea what meeting you was like, you brought joy to my life, my dad had just left us and I was broken, but then I saw a cute bunny boy crying near the trees with a snail in his hand, and everything became better. I dont love you the same way I loved love, I love you more than that, you are my soulmate, you're someone who'd I can see a amazing, long, and bright future with"

Win eyes became glossy and all he could do is star at his beautiful, caring, strong hearted, determined boyfriend. He felt so lucky to have him in his life.

Win couldnt even lie and say he didnt feel the same way. When he met bright he k we he was someone he wanted in his life, that he'd do anything for him. Bright was also the reason win questioned his sexuality and found out he was gay.

Bright began to attract win and made him feel things, but win brushes it aside thinking it was just himself telling him hes gay.

"Bright I love you so much, i dont think you know how bad I wanna pounce on you" win said laughing as tears ran down his pale cheek.
Bright leaned in and kissed his tears, to then stare into wins eyes.

"I think I'm the luckiest man in the world" they both chuckled then leaned in for a passion filled kiss, leaving them both breathless.

They layed back down into eachother arms, looking up at the clouds once more.


Some fluff for you beautiful souls out there. Enjoy the chapter 💕💕💕.

Forgot to mention tomorrows my birthday so if I dont update I apologize 😖😖.

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