"Why don't you sit" I motioned to the couch

"Okay..." There was clear tension and shock in the atmosphere, but this time it was different. It wasn't the usual tense atmosphere where we both wanted to strangle each other. It was more of an I don't know what to say because this is so unexpected kind of atmosphere.

"I" we both began at the same time and laughed lightly.

"You first" I said

"I just wanted to tell you how terrible I feel for the way that I've been treating you and you don't deserve it at all and I'm just so sorry and I can't even describe how bad I feel and I know especially at a time like this where you need all the support you can get we're just making it worse and-" she was rambling on and I cut her off

"It's okay"

"No it's not. Nobody deserves to be treated the way that Ruth and I treated you. You did nothing wrong and we attacked you for no reason. It was wrong of us and we were just looking for a fight. And I know it sounds crazy but we stick up for Liam and we protect him and care about him a lot. Believe it or not he had a rough time growing up ms kids would tease him for stupid reasons so we are just watching out for him. It was wrong of us to take it out on you because we didn't even get the chance to get to know you. We realize, or I realize rather, that you didn't do anything wrong." She took a breath.

"Liam is," she paused to correct herself, "was, a better person when was with you. I'm sorry that it took us until now to realize. I'm not asking for your forgiveness because I know it's unforgivable but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am." She finished.

It took me a second to absorb this information. I knew that Liam had a rough time growing up. Kids would make fun of him for only having one kidney. It's such a stupid reason because nobody realized that it hurt his feelings and he would go home and cry every day. Having one less kidney doesn't affect your personality and it's sad that nobody could see him for the man I still love.

I was a little thrown by her sudden apology, but I could tell by the way she tumbled to find the right words and the look in her eye that she was telling the truth.

How could I not forgive her?

"I appreciate that, so thank you" I began "I know about Liam's past too, and I hope you know that I would never hurt him like those kids did. I'm not like that. I had just as rough a time as he did. I just" I paused trying to prevent the tears. "I just mis him and I want him here right now" I sobbed "and I know you feel the same way and-" I looked up to find her crying too.

"I forgive you" I concluded. The surprised expression on her face was enough said. I knew she wasn't expecting it, but she was thankful.

"I can't speak for Ruth, but she'll come around. She's just in a bad spot right now"

"Aren't we all" I smiled weakly as did she.

"I can't believe he's gone" I whispered.

Before, I try to convince myself that this wasn't true. I refuse to let this news again. He wasn't gone, he wasn't gone.... I'm just glad I had my mental breakdown and realization at the hospital, so now I was all cried out. I would not break down in front of Nicola. I was physically and mentally drained.

"It's almost unfair, you know?" she weeped "what did he ever do wrong?" I nodded my head vigorously

"It should've been me" I croaked

"Don't say that-"

"No it's true... He took the bullet for me" I said quietly wiping a few tears. Her eyes were a mix between shock, compassion and pride.

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