I walked into the room, looking at my phone and hoping for an answer and not paying attention in the slightest to my surroundings. "Hey Griffin" I voice said behind me, causing me to jump and look away from my phone.

I realized it was Lexa. She was sitting on a table with her back up against the wall, one of her knees bent with an arm laid relaxingly across it and her other leg dangling over the table with her phone in her hand. "Don't scare me like that," I said, holding my hand over my heart, trying to slow down my heart rate. "What are you doing here?" I asked after I controlled myself.

"Looking for you" she said, her positioning changing as both legs fell over the end of the table and she scooted to the edge of it.

"Why weren't you in class?" I asked her concern taking over my voice. I sound like a teacher. She smiled at me, getting off the table and walking a little closer. "Were you worried about me Griff?" She said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"As a matter of fact yes" I said, standing up straight. "Well in that case..." she trailed off. She was walking closer and my heart rate which I had just slowed down and began to speed up again. "What?" I said quietly, my voice cracking as it struggled to make words over the lump in my throat.

She walked behind me, sitting in a chair and making me turn to face her. "I was working on my project," she said. My heart rate slowed. "Well that's actually why I'm here" I said. "I figured, so that's why I came here," she said with a smirk.

"So what are you doing for your opposite project?" I asked her as I put my stuff down. "Well, I chose soccer for my passion and I know virtually nothing about the earth so I decided to focus on the stars and space. I never had much interest in it, I always preferred the ground and woods where my feet could touch." She said with a shrug.

"I love space and the stars," I said happily. "Well maybe you can help me?" She said with a wicked grin that made chills go down my spine. "Of course" I responded.

"So what about you Clarke? What is your anti- passion?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle. "Not sure, it's going to be tough because I like basically everything. Except violence, I may not want to be a doctor but I still care about my patients." I said. I saw a big, devilish smile come across her perfectly symmetrical face.

"No, no, no," I said, shaking my head and directing my gaze to her. "You just said that was the only thing you weren't passionate about" she said, still holding in to that smile.

"I don't want to" I complained. She got up out of her seat now and came over to me. "What if I teach you how to throw a punch? Nothing to bad, just so you can defend yourself and it would be part of you project." She suggested. Everything she says just makes me want to agree anyways and I was struggling to say no.

"I'm not sure," I said looking at her skeptically. "Come on, you agreed to help me with mine and now I can help you with yours" she said. I still wasn't sure. "Please" she said, giving me a pouty face and it was all she needed to do to push me over the edge.

"Ok fine" I gave in. "But only because I have never seen Lexa Woods beg for anything, and your pouty face is pretty cute" I said and she smiled at me. "Oh, my pouty face is most definitely cute," she teased back and I starting breaking out in laughter while she hung to a smirk. Of course, that damn smirk was alway on her face and I loved it.

"Ok let's go get some stuff from your house so we can leave." I said, motioning to the door and she followed.

I drove her to her house and she got out of the car. She walked over to me and opened the car door, gesturing me out, with her hand extended. I grabbed it and said "see, what a gentlewoman." And it made her laugh. I loved making her laugh.

I swear fealty to you (Clexa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now