10. Kendall: Friendships Old and New

Start from the beginning

"Who's cheating?" she asked through a smile.

Lilith didn't answer, nodding at Olivia. "We'd better be on our way. Excuse us, Kendall," she said, sauntering off.

Olivia however, lingered a moment, her gaze on Kendall. She fixed her with a long stare, one that made her uncomfortable. "Yes?" Kendall asked, trying to keep the edge off her voice.

Olivia drew in her breath, preparing to speak. She was actually about to use her voice, this girl who never opened her mouth. "Stay away from my brother, hmm?" she said softly and quietly, yet the words were like a slap.

Speechless, Kendall watched as Olivia walked off after Lilith. Stay away from my brother, the words echoed in her head. She must be trying to help Lilith win. Or maybe she shared Lilith's disdain for her. Or both – it was entirely possible.

Kendall shut her eyes briefly, thinking back to the other night when she had finally caved and met up with Grace and Rae for a secret drink, bringing Tyler Black with her. He had been a lot of fun, sharing dirty jokes, teasing each of them, making cracks about people like uptight Richard Harper. He was wealthy but he had no airs about him. She'd never met anyone like him. Kendall wished they could have had some time alone to get to know each other. Before leaving to return to his family, he'd said they would see each other again. But how? When? She didn't have time to waste with this bet.

Tyler was perfect, exactly what she needed right now. She needed to wrangle a proposal out of him before he had a chance to change his mind.

She lifted her eyes, seeing that the sky was taking on a faded glow and that the crowd was thinning out. It would be dark soon so she might as well call it a day. She got to her feet, shutting the suitcase and treading home. She was not looking forward to doing this again tomorrow. She was tired and sweaty, and her feet ached. She slipped into the house, leaving the suitcase by the door.

She was about to head down the hall when someone appeared out of the living room. To her surprise, it was not someone from her family. "Logan," the name popped out of her mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"Now, Kendall, is that any way to talk to a guest?" her mother piped up, coming up behind him.

"I came to collect my clothes, and return Brandon's."

"He'll be staying for dinner," her mother added, grinning behind his back.

Kendall squinted at her. Was her mother trying to do the very thing she had told her not to do? She blinked at Logan, who looked perfectly handsome and dapper, then remembered what a mess she must look. "I'm just going to go wash up," she got out, scurrying off and hoping she wasn't filling the hall with a sweaty odor.

A few minutes later, having put on a pretty dress and some color on her face, she strode confidently into the dining room. Logan was being monopolized by her father on one side, while Brandon sat on his other side, seeming bored. Her brother looked up at her entrance, his brows doing a bit of a dance. "You look a little pretty for dinner," he commented.

Logan paused to glance at her, and she felt herself reddening. She hadn't done it for him, she told herself. It was just ... well, he was a guest, so it was important to look presentable. Her mother, as always, got the wrong impression, looking pleased. Her mother pulled out a chair, waving for her to sit. 

" ... with a bit of capital," her father was saying to their guest.

Kendall's ears pricked up, but before her father could continue, her mother said, "Come now. No business at the table, you know the rule."

"Alright, alright."

"Logan, do help yourself," her mother said graciously. "No need to be shy. We've plenty of food."

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