Chapter 11: Doomsday

Começar do início

Himari swatted his hand off of her shoulder.

Himari: "Lay one finger on my dad, and I'll kill everyone here"

Odin was starting to lose his patience.

Odin: "That's enough. You have made your point. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare everyone for Ragnarok"

Odin disappeared and reappeared back on the stage.

Odin: "In this fight, we will all perish. There will be no survivors. However if we fight with all our might, we can stop the forces of evil from controlling this world after we are all gone. So my demigods, fight with me, fight with us, fight for the future!!"

Almost every student started cheering and clapping, however I could see something was wrong. The sky was starting to turn red. The same red symbol we saw when we first saw Apophis appeared in the sky.

The students stared into the sky, as a serpent head emerged from the symbol

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The students stared into the sky, as a serpent head emerged from the symbol. The first thing we saw was the large, sharp fangs that could pierced any metal. Followed by his black as night scaled back, with the blood red skin of his underbelly. Spikes of his bones were protruding out of his body. His eyes were as chaotic as ever, almost as if every single spark of chaos what trapped in those eyes. Apophis was here.

Odin yelled into the sky

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Odin yelled into the sky.

Odin: "Begone foul beast!!!"

Out of nowhere, 2 giant lightning bolts shot towards Apophis. I looked over and saw both Zeus and Jupiter, preparing to throw more lightning. However, the bolts seemed to faze right through him.

Apophis started laughing in a deep, scratchy tone. His laugh shook the ground.

Apophis: "It is futile, Imposter Gods. This is merely an astral image of my true form. I have come with a message for you"

If snakes could smile, he was definitely doing it.

Apophis: "Let's make a trade. I'll postpone Ragnarok for another 100,000 years, if you turn over Connor and Emiko Yukari to me"

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