"It's about time" Monty chimed in. "Jasper you own me 10 bucks" he said turning to his friend and laughing. "You guys made a bet on this?" Octavia said it was a little annoying. "Yeah, I bet Jasper 10 dollars that you guys would be official by the end of the week." Monty said. "Dammit Monty, why do you always win?" Jasper said, handing him $10.

"So what about you Woods?" Raven said, turning to me and Clarke. "I don't really do the party scene." I said nervously. "Well you do now, cause you're coming" Octavia said persistently. "Alright then I guess I'm coming" I said back. I didn't want her to feel bad that I didn't want to go.

"I'm free so I'll come O," Clarke said, she turned back and looked at me with a smile on her face. I blushed a little before stopping it before anyone saw. "Well that leaves one." Lincoln said looking at Luna. "Um" Luna said and turned her gaze to Raven. "I will be there." She said and Raven smiled which made Luna blush.

I laughed at the interaction which made Lunas head whip around and give me a death glare. I didn't care though I still laughed. Then she whispered quietly in my ear so no one else could hear, "I will poke you in the ribs and make you fold over in front of everyone if you don't shut up." My face immediately went straight as I looked to Clarke for support but she was in conversation with Octavia.

The bell rang and we went to our classes. I walked into class and the teacher said "finally decide to come to class Ms. Woods?" "Well I have to keep you on your toes." I said, finding my seat. The class laughed and even the teacher cracked a small smile. I think she is warming up to me.

My classes ended and lunch came around. Clarke practically ran up to me, she tripped a little and stumbled. I caught her on her way down but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as I lifted her up. "You ok?" I asked her. She nodded and said "what about you?" She looked around to see if anyone was within earshot. "Does it hurt bad?" She whispered. "Well I was doing fine until I had to catch you." I said laughing but also very serious. "Sorry about that," she said apologetically. "No regrets." I told her as we walked to our table.

Lincoln and Octavia were sitting next to each other, Lincoln's hand on Octavias thigh. Raven on Octavias side and Luna on Lincoln's. They were looking at each other like they wished they were sitting next to each other instead. I laughed at them again and Luna turned to me and imitated a poking motion with her finger and I shut my mouth quickly.

"Hey O, what time should we be there tonight?" Clarke asked her. "Um, I'm not sure, just come whenever you're ready." She responded. "Clarke you can come to my house, Luna is coming by to get ready with me if you want to join?" Raven said. My eyes quickly moved to Lunas who also met mine with speed, she was staring at me and I was fighting the urge to make a comment but I didn't want her to poke me.

"I can't Rae, I have to help my mom out," Clarke said. "Next time Clarkie" she said. Lunch ended and I grabbed Luna, "you want to explain now?" I asked her with a big smirk on my face. "Just because we aren't around anyone doesn't mean I won't do it" she protested. I lifted my hands up in surrender. "Whatever Luna but I think someone has a crush." I teased before walking away from her, with pace to avoid any poking in the bruised area.

School ended and Clarke found me once again and we began walking to the car when I felt a hand in my shoulder. "Hey Woods!" A smug voice said. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "What do you want Bellamy?" I said. I was bored of him, I had already beat him 3 times in the past couple of months, not to mention countless other times throughout the years.

"Oh I'm not here for you, I'm here for you pretty friend. Hey Clarke, it's been a while." Clarke just looked at the ground. I stepped in front of her, putting myself between her and Bellamy. "Well isn't that sweet, protecting your girlfriend." He said like he was mocking us. "She is not my girlfriend," I said back.

"Back up Bellamy," I said through my teeth, my jaw clenched shut. "Don't make me send you to the hospital again." I said, plastering a smirk on my face to make him mad. Safe to say it worked because he swung at me. I ducked obviously, I had every intention of beating up Bellamy but I don't know if I could with my recent injuries.

Bellamy regained balance and went back up to me but Clarke stepped in front of me. Good thing because I was having a hard time keeping my face from showing all the pain I was in. "Leave Bell." She said, shooting him a glare. He hesitated, looking back and forth between us. "This isn't done Woods," he said giving me a death glare, "you either Griffin" he said but in a much warmer tone, almost flirtatious. This made me mad and I stepped forward but Clarke stopped me.

My blood was still boiling as she led me to the car. She stopped outside my door and put her hands on my cheeks. "I swear to god if you pick a fight, the next bruise you get will be from me." She said. It was hard to take her seriously when her eyes were staring so far into mine. "What is with you guys and threatening me today?" I said jokingly. "What?" Clarke stepped back confused.

"Oh, Luna threatened to poke me in the ribs because I was about to say something about her and Raven." I said and Clarke just laughed. "They are totally flirting right, it's not just me?" She said. "For sure." I climbed into the car with the help of Clarke.

"Alright you can drop me off at home." I told her when we started driving. "Are you serious?" She basically yelled at me. "You said you had to help out your mom and I don't want to get in the way." I said rather taken back by her tone. "I lied so I didn't have to go to Ravens, so I could be there with you instead." Clarke said. My cheeks started glowing hot red and my stomach was flipping.

"There is no way I'm taking you back there." She said. I went quiet for a second. "You will have to eventually," I said softly. "Not until the last possible second, I don't want you to be hurt again." She said. She does really care about me. Abby was right. She was possibly one of the only people to ever care about me. It made my heart smile.

We got in the door and I almost collapsed. All the faking 'I was fine' had been lifted, the pain started to flood in that I had pushed out. I was mentally drained of energy but I still had to go to Octavias party.

Clarke and I began to get ready, we were listening to music, getting changed and putting on our makeup. It was so easy to let go around Clarke. All of my masks were down and I could actually have fun and smile. This is what I wanted, to be around her.

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