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I decided to publish another chapter for those who don't wish to read the 18+ chapter!!
There won't be a new update for a few days, second semester for school is starting so I have to prepare!

As soon as I woke, I was hit with a few things. A Headache, Nausea and realization. What in the hell happened yesterday? My lips felt swollen and I reeked of alcohol. I felt the need to puke and thats what exactly what happened. All the alcohol inside my mouth flowed out like a river as I could taste my vomit through my nostrils. All I could remember was drinking to my hearts content... my lips connecting with Mingyus. After that my memory's completely blur, I'm unable to identify the difference between my dream and reality.

What happened after... was that a dream? Was Mingyu and I really about to do that? I don't remember much, I just remember laying on the bed and the feeling of the hands running over my body. I was also not wearing my clothes, instead I laid in a baggy hoodie that went all the way down to mid thighs. I'm in Mingyus room, I can tell by his posters and the picture of him and his family by his bed side. I turn immediately when I heard the door handle shake. Swallowing the saliva build up in my throat. "You're awake now! Good morning!"

I see a red Mingyu walk into the room, holding a tray of hangover soup. He hesitated to approach me, but eventually does and place the tray on my lap. My head starts to sting more, I just rub it hoping I'd be able to scour the pain away. It didn't work so well, it instead just left my forehead red from rubbing too hard. "I-I thought you'd get a hangover... So I made you some soup."

I look at the dish and it looked quite appetizing. I pointed at it and back at him. He only chuckled and laughed. He handed me the metal spoon, allowing me to take the first bite. I shut my eyes in amazement. The soup was fantastic. It wasn't too strong, and it was flavorful. I'm usually not into soups, but this one was fantastic. I blush looking up at him. As soon as he seen my flustered face, he also became flustered. We both look away awkwardly. Mingyu scratching his neck.

"You know, I'm sorry about last night. That shouldn't have happened... I shouldn't have kissed you back." Mingyu says with a slight embarrassment. That hurt. Did he not like kissing me? Am I that disgusting. I turn my head to the blank wall beside me, facing away from Mingyu. He coughed again. "...but I don't apologize for enjoying it—"


I turned around quickly, eyes widened. I continue to stare at him. Every time I stare at him he's always blushing. He coughed and repeated himself again. "I don't apologize for enjoying it... in all honesty I liked it so much I didn't want to stop. T-That shouldn't be happening, but I know—"

"It's okay!" I interrupted, my movement were quick as I reached for his hand. "I enjoyed it too..."

Mingyu flattened a reassuring smile and played with my fingers. He lifted my hands and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles. He continued to rub his thumb on the back of my hands, his smile never fading. "That's good. I was worried you wouldn't feel the same." He chuckled, rubbing his face with hands. "Fuck. I'm so embarrassed."

I chuckle, awkward silence surrounding both of us. I clear my throat and pointed to my attire. "So um... last night. Did we do anything? I mean... you understand right?" After that his face flushed red again. I swear other than his hot tanned skin tone, he's practically just red. He shook his head. It felt so real, so vivid. He's saying we didn't do anything though. Also then why am I in his sweater?

"No! Wait, if you're wondering about my hoodie than I think you changed into it yourself! I didn't change you! I wouldn't do something without permission..." is that so? So was it really a dream then? I shrug the thought as I look around hoping to find my shirt I had worn. Mingyu watches as I look around, so he looks around too, despite not even knowing what I was looking for. Mingyu eventually decided to ask "What're you look for?"

"The shirt I was wearing... —I'm... not wearing anything underneath this hoodie." Mingyu once again turned red. He stood up suddenly and cleared his throat. He stuttered as he told me he's going to go look for it. Was that really a dream? It felt so real... and what's with all of these weird coincidences? Firstly, one clasp of my bra is undone, my shirt is off and missing, then suddenly I'm laying in Mingyus sweater?

The amount of pleasure you had left had to have been real. His fingers penetrating you, the moans you let out and his moans.
—you couldn't have just imagined it! It felt way to good for it to possibly be a dream. You could vividly hear his muffled noise that continued to echo in your ear, and his scent. He didn't smell the same, but maybe that was just a coincidence. That was the first time you ever felt something so good.

The only problem is, was that the image of Mingyu in your head replaced the actually person. While you were here fantasizing about the blissful night of pleasure, Jeonghan sat in his room. Not even a wink of sleep. That's what you caused him. His dick ached and so did his heart. You couldn't forget the way you called for Mingyu. It just made him want to snap his neck.


Kim Mingyu.

Kim fucking Mingyu.

Why couldn't hear just hear the name 'Yoon Jeonghan' or 'Jeonghan'? All last night he was calling out for you, but he felt like a replacement for someone else.

He continued to glare at the ripped piece of fabric in the middle of his floor. It was the shirt he teared off of your chest. His eyes sticking to it like glue. While staring at the shirt, his thoughts drifted off to your body. You clothed chest that he got to play with. Not to forget the slight hickey you left him on his lower neck. Fuck. Every time he thinks about yesterday, he is only reminded of you calling him Mingyu.

He stood up, picking up the fabric and sitting back down on the bed. What was this suppose to be? A souvenir for almost fucking you? Jeonghan just gripped the fabric tightly, throwing the fabric against his dresser in distress. He circled up in a ball and rested his head in his hands. "Jesus fucking Christ. What's wrong with me?"

He couldn't handle it, he stood up from his bed and walked to his bedroom door getting ready to leave. While his door swung open, he was met with the monster herself. You. He wasn't sure what to feel. Embarrassed? Sad? Maybe even mad? What's the point though? Your level on intoxication was to high, you probably don't remember anything.

You stared at him, examining everything. Jeonghan wore a sleeveless shirt, flashing him his biceps. Along with that you could notice a few things. One; the hickey on his neck, Two; the scratches on his shoulders, and three; your ripped shirt.

Your eyes widened as you point at the fabric with your moth hanging wide open. Jeonghan follows your eyes and turns around, noticing your shirt from the previous night. "Oh fuck!"

[ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now