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✨✨ Hello y'all,, just so you know this book will soon reach its end, please recommend me any other member you'd like me to write a story for.
So far the only member someone asked me to do is a Seungkwan story, but I'm still open for over suggestions.
Please comment your suggestion on this text.
I also might host a QnA for the characters so you can see where their mindset was at, this will probably be held when the book is finished.
The comment format is id like for you to use is when questioning would be "Jeonghan ; QUESTION"
Reply to this with your questions.
Thank you! ✨✨

My heels tapping against the floor of the building, the sound constant chatter filling everyone's hear drums, bagging against them as if they were an instrument. Amongst all that chatter, I was the topic. The continuous conversation, fingers being pointed in my direction. Their voice filled with disgust and mockery. I could only laugh. I would be lying if I said it didn't get to me. In reality, we all would rather not be talked about, we could all agree to that. Some people even had the audacity to speak to me, ask me about it and laugh in my face.

"Is it true you two broke up?"

"Did you actually cheat on Mingyu?"

"Go back to the streets you Whore."

It all continues, the continuous back talk, the accusations, the one-sides victim. In this case, between Mingyu and I. There are no victims. We're both the villains. The best I could do was ignore everything, and sit myself down beside Minghao during our class. Minghao tapped my elbow with his, sliding a piece of paper towards me.

"Mingyus telling everyone you cheated on him." The paper read, I grab the piece of paper, flipping it around. I pick up my mechanical pencil, writing on the blank side. I wasn't going to deny it. Considering what was happening, it was considered cheating. Mingyu never liked me, judging from the bet he took. I'm not convinced her ever did, also considering he went along with the bet, proves my point even more.

"Yes. I did. Did Mingyu tell everyone about what he did?" I wrote back, sliding it against the table towards Minghao. He's the only person I semi-trust. I've told him multiple things before, things that haven't gotten out yet still.

After Minghao read what I wrote, he tore another piece of paper from his notebook, slipping it back to me. "Tell me after class is finished."

I nodded my head, listening to the professor and ignoring the glares and mockery from my other classmates.


The bell rung, I put my notebook and books in my bag, Pulling the strap over my shoulder and stood behind Minghao, waiting for him to finish. Once he was done, we quickly walked outside to the bleachers, right by the field. I plopped myself down on the top of the wooden seats, leaning against the back. "You have to tell me everything-"

"Nice outfit today." I smiled, pointing at the clothing he was wearing. Minghao glared at me, knowing already I was trying to change the topic. I rolled my eyes, crossing my legs over each other. "Mingyu had a bet with 97 liners, I'm guessing you weren't apart of it. I think Jungkook and Jaehyun. It's was something about getting in a relationship with me and then break up with me, making me into this whole joke... well it worked!"

Minghao bit his lip. I could tell he was angry, I could also tell when Minghao red my little note that said yes, he was upset with me too. But judging from his reaction right now, he's more angry with Mingyu than me. Maybe it's because he figured out that the fake feelings Mingyu was selling was fraud. "Fuck. I need a drink, want something."

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