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My eyes opened slowly, feeling my face press against the soft cushioned mattress I laid on. Pushing up against the bed, I look around the room. The room was unfamiliar. I wasn't home and I definitely wasn't at Yeonhees apartment. I look down at my outfit, I wasn't wearing my outfit. I mean I was still in my shorts, but I was wearing a large baggy shirt, that went all the way down to my mid thigh, practically making me look half naked.

I still had my undergarments on, which made me somewhat happy. I stand up, trying to analyze the room very quickly before picking up my stuff, getting ready to leave. The jingling of keys were heard on the other side of the door. My eyes widening. The door opened, a person walking to my line of sight. I sigh really loudly out of relief. I hold my forehead, thanking the gods it wasn't a complete stranger. "Thank god it's just you. I thought I didnt something really bad yesterday."

Mingyu looked at me, eyes agape with shock. He chuckled closing the door after me. He rubbed the top of my head and sat down on the leather couch that was against his bedroom wall, holding up the plastic bag he brought in. "I bought you something to help with your hangover."

A small tint of pink painted his cheeks, his eyes diverted in a different direction, not wanting me to feel uncomfortable. It was very cute, even I blushed by his sudden act of kindness. "T-Thanks..." I take the bag into my hands and sat down beside me. When going through the bag I remembered the shirt I was wearing. I look at him one last time. "Did you change me?"

He shook his head and begged with pleading eyes to believe him. I had a feeling he wouldn't have, but I had to ask just in case. "Yeonhee changed you before you left... you puked all over yourself and in Jeonghans truck. He wasn't pleased, he tried to clean his car out when she changed you."

I look around us once again, finally noticing the blanket that I sat on. I look beside him, a pillow pressed against his side. "—Did you sleep on the couch?"

Mingyu nodded his head, bringing his hand back to scratch the back of his neck. I puckered my lips, can't help but feel guilty for stealing his bed. I think he noticed that by laugh at me. "It's all right. I don't mind... —Ah! Yeonhee and Jeonghan left this morning, so I'll be driving you home. When do you want to leave?"

"I don't want to go ho-" the vibrations that rung out though the letter grabbed our attention. I stand up, grabbing the familiar phone case that happened to be the source of the noise. The feeling of my teeth clamping down on my tongue, it stung like a bitch. "...I need to answer this..."

I opened his bedroom door, looking for the bathroom, opening a few doors until I was successful. Off topic, but why're there a lot of rooms? "...Yes, Appa?"

"Get your ass home right now, Y/N." I could feel my eyes hide themselves in the top of my eyes. He's not even worried? I went out late, didn't return, he's not even going to ask if I'm alright or if anything happened? He doesn't care about me and my safety.
—am I even a daughter in his eyes? Why do I feel like a tool for his own personal game? "We have a dinner tonight. I expected you to be home no later than 6:30. Do you understand."

"—I'm not coming."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'm not coming to that stupid dinner! As I said before, I don't live for you. You may have given me life, but I don't owe you mine." I declared, fingernails digging to my palm. I run my hands though my hair, wanting to say more, yet scared to carry on. "I'm not getting married, Appa-"

[ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now