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"Jesus, Wonwoo!" You yell back at the man who was constantly following your every steps. You slam your heel into the cement, turning around and glaring at him. "What do you want!"

"I need you to make up with Mingyu and Jeonghan—"

"No can do." You turn around to walk away once again. He dared ask you something like this? He knew the whole situation, why's he so desperate for you all to reconcile? Seeing how they reacted after getting being a victim to the ice bucket challenge, they most likely don't want to reconcile, so why bother trying, those thoughts kept ringing in your head. "I suggest you stop trying now—"

"Please. Can you at least try?" You can feel Wonwoos large hands gently grasp onto your forearm, spinning you around and grasping your other one, preventing you from running away. You sigh, shaking his hands off of you. "I won't ask anymore of you, could you just try this at least."

"I can't, Wonwoo... I really wish I could, but somethings just aren't going to work. This is one of those things." You shut your eyes, raking your hand through your damp hair. You pull your hood off, glancing around the campus, some people stopping to stare at the both of you. "I suggest you leave. I'm the main character for everyone's gossip, I'd hate for you to become a role in it too. People are probably already assuming things already."

Wonwoo quickly ran up to you again while you were leaving, walking beside you. Letting his hands wave in the air, suggesting a bunch of scenarios to fix the awkward tension between their group. You ignored his few suggestions, instead watching the group of men walking away from the field. Eyes landing on Jeonghan as he approached Yeonhee, tapping her nose with his finger. All you could see was his smile. A smile you wanted to be directed at you. You always envied Yeonhee, but you still loved her. Yet right now, all your eyes were filled with was jealousy. There was no denying it now, it was too late. "What if I organized for you and them to meet separately? How about today? Look. The rest of us are are going out, Jeonghans staying home."

Wonwoo paused, pulling out the apartment key from his bag, putting it in your hand. Your hand caged around the metal, debating with yourself if you should. You came to the final verdict. You nodded your head, a small smile escaping your mouth while looking at Wonwoo. He smiled back, turning around to leave.

You looked down at the key in your hands. Your lip flattening to a straight line. Wondering if this was the right choice. Maybe it was, what if you went and then Jeonghan and you reconcile? Whether you guys only remain friends or become more was solely on him. But maybe it wasn't, what if he is angrier by the fact you're there? You thought it couldn't possibly be worse, everything was already bad as it was.

So you stuff the key into your pocket, walking through the doors and into your next class, sitting yourself at the far back like usual. This class surprisingly went smoothly. Other then small whispers here and there, majority of the students remained focused.


You opened the door to your shared house. Everyone was gone like usual, leaving you alone within this huge mansion by yourself. You walked to the bathroom, stripping yourself of the fabrics that sheltered your body. The soles of your feet meeting the cold tiled bathroom floor, sending shivers up your entire body. Your turned the handles letting the hot water run, watching it rain water from your shower head.

Stepping beneath the water, you let it soak into your skin, warming your up as soap covered your body, removing the fish stench that was inside the ice water. Your heart was pounding, the thought of going to visit him once again.

[ᴇᴅɪᴛɪɴɢ] 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now