Bat in the belfry

Start from the beginning

Mikey looks at me and I bit my lips. "Mikey, I believe you"I whisper then my phone rang. I pick it up. "Hello?"I said. "It is Selena. I found something that you may want to know" she said. "I will be right there, "I said then look at Mikey. "Sorry, I got to go, "I said as I ran off.
"Why do we have to stay awake?"Zack said as I yawn.

We arrive at a rooftop where surprised were a lot of scented candles. "Because it is a full moon today," Selena said. "And? I know it is pretty and everything"I said then she glares at us. Aw shoot, we made her mad. Please don't ground us again.

"The full moon is the time where you can recharge your gem and see what future is held for you," she said. "So the moon is our fortuneteller?"Zack said. "In a way...yes, "She said. "Are you sure?"I said, putting my hand on my waist. 

"Yes. Tell me, my queen and prince. Have you ever had a vision or feel powerful through one day?"She said. I hum to myself. "Yeah?"I said. "That was the moon. It helps you" She said. Whelp, I am not going to fight that knowledge. "Zack, you may go first," She said. 

"But I don't have a gem," he said then she opens her hand. "Pele decides to give you this as a gift," she said then wink at him. What? Did I miss something here? He smiles as he took it. It slowly turns into an arm bracelet. He steps up then she sat down. 

"Now we will sit down and close your eyes. Search the energy of the moon" she said. He looks at me as I shrug. Even I don't know what is going on. He follows her moments and sighs. A black-light surrounds him as I gasp. A small tattoo appears on his hand. 

It was a moon with small dots. I think those are the stars. "Good, tell us what you see," She said. "I with a crown...controlling some spirits... fighting a big ugly mutant ...on a throne with ghost around me? I now see Karai and her friend. 

They also wearing a crown. I also see my sister and we are laughing. The is telling me that I will soon find my own destiny" He said then open my eyes. She smiles softly at him as he smiles really big. "Woah that sounds so cool!"I said. 

"Your turn," she said as Zack stood up. I sat down then close my eyes. I blocked all the noise. Focus on the moon's energy. I see it. A white fog person. It waves hello to me then I felt something on my arm. I hiss as it burns on my skin. 

It bows at me once it stops hurting me. I look at my hand, seeing a sun? It turns into smoke and went toward me. I cover my face then I saw myself. "What do you see?"Selena's voice said. "I see me...I am now in pain...Something is on my arm...I am screaming in pain...I am hurt! 

I suddenly feel no emotions...Now someone is holding my hand that I glow up again!"I said then someone snaps their finger. I open my eyes then fell back. "Whoa, are you okay?"Zack said. "I am fine...can't say anything about my back though, "I said as I sat up.

"I must research about this. It could be the moon is warning you" She said. What? "About what?"I said. "All I could tell you is that you need to keep your gem close to you. Don't let anyone take it"She said and we nod.
I sigh as I look at my sketchbook.

I made sure I kept my gem under my shirt so no one that I have it. I am getting worried about someone taking my gem. Why does this have to be so difficult? Why can a queen's life be peaceful? "Hey princess, how are you?"Raph said as he walks into the kitchen. 

"I am fine. Did you need something from me?"I said as I look at my book. "I sense something is up with you. Tell me" he said as he took out an apple. "Ugh...I don't want to but...I am afraid" I said then he stare at me. "Afraid? Tell me about it" he said.

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