twenty one

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" You sure that you saw my half-sister? " Jack asked Taebin.

" Dead positive. I knew she was lying trying to cover herself up, but I recognize her voice anywhere. " Taebin responded.

" Well obviously you have a crush on her but unfortunately we are planning to kill her. " Jack told him.

" I rather do something with her first and then kill her. " Taebin smirked.

" Don't let that dirty mind of yours get in the way! Remember we have something to do! " Jack groaned. " Do you even know which NCT member she is with? "

" Not sure, but we can create a new target too. " Taebin told him.

" For fucks sake, we lost all of our damn files to NCT. Now they know what we're planning! " Jack slammed on the table.

" Unless we create a backup. " Taebin smirked.

" What do you mean? " Jack asked with a confused expression.

" Let me venture outside tonight and we'll see what comes along. " Taebin said balling up his fists. " I'll head out. "


" Jina just let us explain- " Doyoung tried calming her down.

" You! Taeyong! And-even Jisung?! The entire NCT?! Keeping this away from me?! I can't believe you guys! So your intention was to let Race find my parents and kill them at Yonsei University! " Jina raised her voice.

" Jina you're not getting the point here- " Doyoung continued to calm her down.

" It's obvious that you guys made the raid on purpose and bringing Jisung to the mafia. Do you guys even know how broken I was without my parents?! Without Jisung?! Even though I'm mad at him too but that's not the point! " Jina continued.

" Then what makes you think we were trying to get revenge at Race all along?! Did you forget the importance of our mission?! " Doyoung raised his voice at Jina. " For fucks sake Jina if you would just hear everything out- "

Jina's tears start to roll down her eyes as Doyoung was continuously yelling at her. His cold side was showing again and it was an unpleasant view to Jina's eyes.

" If you guys didn't lure Race to Yonsei Univerity the day Jisung was supposed to college, none of this mafia business would've happened. I'm done. " Jina said immediately walking out of the room.

" Jina if you could just listen- " Taeyong exclaimed as the door made a lot shut, taking the two men back.

Doyoung watched as the girl leave, being frustrated on hearing him and Taeyong's conversation. Taeyong knew this was his fault for keeping it away from her and encouraging the other members too.

Taeyong then proceeds to leave his spot and Doyoung immediately grabbed his arm.

" Just give her some time Taeyong. " Doyoung demanded.

" But Doyoung this was all my fault- " Taeyong sighed.

" She'll realize her stupidity. " Doyoung sighed as the two of them sat in silence.

Jina was currently in her room, crying. She didn't hear every part of the conversation but why would NCT lead Race to Yonsei University? What was their intention? Why would they want to help Jisung and Jina avenge their parents when they were the ones cause for their death. It was something Jina couldn't comprehend.

Jina then checked her phone and it was 2 am. She assumed that all of the NCT members were asleep and she had this gut feeling to do something she would not have done. She couldn't handle it mentally.

Ruthless | NCT DoyoungWhere stories live. Discover now