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"You're coming to the bake sale right?"


"And you'll make sure you have everything?"


"And you won't be late?"


"I'm sorry!" She said back and Rosemary laughed shaking her head.

"Just get in the car. I'll see you later," she said and Vel nodded giving her a hug.

"Dad's not out there," she said popping her head back in.

"Damon!" She called out and he came jogging out of the bedroom.

"I'm ready," he said while hopping to put his shoe on. "Bye, I love you," he said and kissed her in a rush while running out. "We gotta go Vel," he said and they ran out the door before Rosemary could even protest. She laughed and pulled out her phone.

"Hey Rose," Sarah said into the phone.

"Hey Sarah. You should come over today. I have nothing to do."

"Lucky you, I have nothing to do either," she said and they both laughed.

"I'll text you the address. See you in a bit."

"I'll bring the wine," she said before hanging up. Rosemary texted her the address and went to go change. She put on a long, flowing, silk skirt that had animal print on it and tucked in a long sleeve black blouse. For shoes she just put on some black booties. She put on the necklace from Damon, gold earrings, and bracelets. As wrong as it was she kind of wanted to outshine the other moms at the bake sale. She already knew she was going to be the youngest there and that would earn some judgey looks.

About twenty minutes later the doorbell rang and she jogged over. She opened it to see a stunned looking Sarah with a bottle of rosé.

"This is your house?!" She asked and Rosemary laughed a bit stepping aside to let her in.

"We just moved here not that long ago. I'm still getting used to it," she joked and they gave each other a quick hug.

"It's gorgeous. What does your husband do again?"

"Boyfriend," Rosemary laughed, "He does a lot of business and investing. He owns a few clubs in Vegas and around here."

"Please tell me your love story starts with you guys meeting at one of his clubs," she said and Rosemary tilted her head to the side.

"Something like that," she said, "Let me show you around," she added and they walked around the house. Sarah was in near awe the entire time. They decided to sit on the patio and get to know each other while drinking much deserved wine.

"So what does your husband do?" Rosemary asked while they sat on the lounge chairs.

"He's a research and development manager at Google," she said and Rosemary raised her eyebrows.

"Impressive," she said and the ladies laughed.

"We have been married 16 years. We married young at 20," she said and Rosemary smiled. "How old are you and..."

"I'm 26 and Damon just turned 29," she told her and she nodded.

"He had little Vel young then," she said and Rosemary nodded.

"Seventeen," she said and Sarah had this look on her face that Rosemary couldn't figure out, but she quickly changed it.

"She's such a lovely little girl. It's a shame her and Emily don't go to the same school," she said and Rosemary sat up.

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