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Vel and Rosemary were in the kitchen baking a bunch of cookies and brownies for her bake sale tomorrow.

"Can I hang out with Emily this weekend?" Vel asked her while they were mixing the last batch of cookies.

"I don't see why not. I've been meaning to text Sarah," Rosemary told her. "Okay scoop those out. Where'd your dad go off too?"

"He said he was going to the bathroom like twenty minutes ago," she said and Rosemary furrowed her eyebrows walking towards their bedroom.

"Damon," she called out and walked in. When he heard her voice he jumped a bit and stood straight up. "Well you don't look suspicious at all," she laughed.

"Sorry I just got caught up texting Jay," he lied and she smiled.

"That's alright. Are you coming?"

"In a second," he told her and she nodded giving him a quick kiss before walking back out. He let out a breath he had been holding in and put the small, velvet box back in the bottom of his drawer. He had gotten it recently but was trying to think of when to do it and what to say.

"Damon!" He heard Rosemary's voice call from the kitchen. He walked out and smiled at his girls baking.

"Vel, your a mess," he said looking at the flour covered girl.

"It happens," she shrugged while scooping dough into a cookie sheet.

"How would you two feel about going to Italy this summer?" He asked while sitting on one of the stools.

"To see nonna and nonno?" Vel asked excitedly and he nodded. "Yesssss!"

"What about you Ace?"

"I'd love to," she said smiling and he nodded. It was months away but he thought Italy would be a good place to propose. He walked over and stood behind her as she poured a bowl of brownie batter into a dish. He kissed the top of her head but she turned for a kiss on the lips. He smiled before kissing her. They put the last batch of things in the oven and started cleaning up the kitchen. There was quite the mess so all three of them helped. It was done with in the hour.

"Rosie, I need to talk to you," Vel whispered in her ear. She raised an eyebrow but Vel just grabbed her hand and pulled her away.

"What is it?" Rosemary asked when they were in her room.

"I like a boy," she said and Rosemary smiled big. She giggled and sat cross legged on the bed.

"Tell me everything. Is he cute? Is he tall? Blue eyes?" She questioned and Vel giggled while sitting on her knees.

"His name is Joey and he sat with me at lunch the other day. He's so cute," she said and both of the girls squealed before laughing.

"What are you two doing?" Damon asked opening the door after hearing the noise.

"Nothing," they both said at the same time. Damon raised an eyebrow.

"Okay?" He questioned before walking back out. Rosemary turned back to Vel for more details.

"He plays football."

"Gotta love the athletes. What does he look like?"

"He's taller than me, light brown hair, blue eyes, and he's so nice. He was never mean to me like the other kids were," she said and that made Rosemary smile even wider.

"That's awesome," she said.

"But what do I do?"

"Well, I think both your father and I agree you're too young for a boyfriend," she started.

Red Shadow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora