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"I have a job for you," Bonanno said on the other line.

"Well I need more details than that," she said sitting at her desk.

"I emailed you the information. Just get it done," he said annoyed.

"Woah woah. This is business. How much?"

"How much?" He mocked. "I taught you everything you know."

"Which is exactly why I'm asking again. How much?" She asked and he couldn't help but smile on the other end.

"750," he said and she smiled.

"Okie dokie. We have a deal," she said and he scoffed.

"Please tell me you don't say okie dokie with other people," he sighed rubbing his temples. "Be careful with this one, very careful. He's dangerous."

"Don't worry. I'll get it done. Take care," she said and clicked the phone off. She opened her e-mail and saw it was at a warehouse by the docks. She huffed and walked to her closet to change. She put on the usual black cargo pants, a long sleeved, tight, black top, and a buckle harness. She slipped knives into her boots and the harness. She wasn't given much information. Just go into the warehouse and kill everyone. She grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed a few guns in there.

She remembered Bonanno saying be careful on this one. She frowned and took out her phone texting Damon.

Going on a dangerous job. If I don't text back by tomorrow Ill be dead or they managed to take me. Fun times

She sent the text and nodded, going out the back way to her car. The only reason she texted him was because if she was captured she would like to be saved. She had a feeling this guy was going to be better at keeping prisoners than Damon was.

She got in her car and made the somewhat long drive out of the city and to the docks. She pulled up a good ways from the warehouse and started putting guns and more knives on her body. She checked her phone before she went it.

That's assuring. Try not to die though

Damon's text said. She sent him a quick wink face before getting out of the car and running towards the back of the building. She looked around trying to find a non obvious way in. She saw a back door and pulled her gun out. She held it while slowly nudging the door open. She heard nothing so she went in further. Inside looked like some sort of boiler room and there was a door at the end. Rosemary pressed her ear against it and heard nothing. She opened it and was in a hallway. Hallways were bad. Nowhere to go.

She quickly moved to the other door and walked inside holding her gun up. She was in some sort of office. It was empty but she heard voices in the hall. Two. She grabbed a knife and readied herself to open the door but they did first. She moved with the door pressed against the wall. She took another knife out and threw it at the back of one of their necks. The other guy looked in horror at the knife sticking out of his friends neck. He saw Rosemary and reached for his gun but she kicked him in the side of his head. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and slit his throat. She pulled the knife from the guy's neck and walked out. Blood on her shirt and neck.

She grabbed her gun again and walked out. There was another door a little ways down. She listened before opening it. Inside were three men. She whipped a knife at one. Rolled to dodge a shot from another. She was on her knees and shot him. The other guy tackled her but fell right onto her knife. She grabbed the knives and ran out. Gunshots would be heard so people were coming now. She was lucky this was a small warehouse. She ran down the hall and into the next room. She immediately opened fire on the four men in there. She didn't both closing the door as she left. She pulled out another gun and held it up when she turned at the end.

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