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Damon's home in the hills was huge but simple. It was all different shades of brown with some white details on it. It was so big that it almost looked like a castle or something. There was a garden in the front that the driveway circled around and there was a fountain in the center.

"I see you live the lavish life," Rosemary said while following them out of the car. Damon didn't answer but only walked forward. He had her right where he wanted her. To kill two birds with one stone really. Rosemary felt a metal clasp around her wrist and whipped around.

"You assholes!" she said before swinging her foot into the side of Jay's head. He fell down but Rosemary still had a cuff around her one wrist. Luca came at her swinging but she ducked, grabbed his wrist, and kicked him the stomach. She twisted his arm around his back and kicked his knees in so he fell to the ground. He grabbed the empty cuff hanging from her wrist and threw her over his shoulder. She quickly recovered and swiped her leg under his feet making him fall again. She was about to attack when Damon grabbed her wrist.

"Let go off me," she said trying to yank it free but he was stronger and cuffed her other one behind her back.

"Did you really think I was trying to save you? I just wanted to kill you myself," Damon whispered in her ear while tugging on her arms.

"Haven't you realized by now I'm not so easy to kill," she seethed while trying to get out of his grasp. "I could still kill you."

"Then why haven't you?" he asked while pushing her towards the house.

"Because of the multiple gunman you have around the house waiting to shoot me because you know I'm dangerous. I'm a killer, not stupid," she said and walked with him. Her best option would be to follow along until she got the chance.

She should have never trusted them. She only went with them because of the fact she was being shot at. She should have just killed Monroe and went back inside. Now she's in a huge mess. A hit has never gone down like this before. She was blinded by excitement in the chase and this unfound trust in Jay.

"You really are aware of your surroundings aren't you?" he asked her but she didn't answer. He wanted her to answer but she was done giving him what he wanted. He wanted her to talk and fight, but she was going to do the opposite now. "Nothing to say?"

She stayed silent and walked inside the house. It was very elegant. A double staircase, large chandelier, patterned tile floors, picture windows. He walked her right past all the nice things and into a door with cement steps. She willingly walked down and found she was in some sort of dungeon.

"Chain her to the floor. I'll be back in a few minutes. Be cautious," he said while shoving her to the man. She stumbled a bit and shot him a glare. The man grabbed her elbow and pulled her into one of the cells.

"So what did you do to be here?" he asked her but she didn't answer. "Not talking will only hurt you worse here," he said again and shook his head when she didn't answer. He grabbed the chains and the second he uncuffed her wrists she threw her elbow into his face. She whipped around and kicked him in the balls. It was a cheat move but efficient. She went behind him and put him in a choke hold.

"Tell your boss better luck next time," she whispered in his ear as his body started going limp. She grabbed his gun and went to the window. She could kick out these bars if she got the height. She looked around and saw some sort of chains hanging from the ceiling. Rosemary tugged on them before climbing up. She kicked back against the wall and then shoved her feet hard into the bars. They came loose but weren't gone so she did it again. She looked behind her before putting her feet threw the window and shimmying her body out. She put the bars back to make it look like she escaped another way. It would buy her some time.

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