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Rosemary squinted her eyes at a pain in the back of her head. She went to go touch it but her hand was stopped by something cold. She looked and her hands were chained. She got up and tried pulling at them but they were on the ground. She looked around and recognized the cell she was in. She scowled and struggled some more until her wrists starting bleeding. She fell to her knees and realized there was no way out.

"Hey!" she yelled, "Let me out of here!" she yelled and tried to move towards the cell door again. No matter how hard she pulled, the chains didn't even get weakened. "Damon!" she yelled and he flinched. He was sitting on the steps just out of view from her. He sighed before walking over to her.

"Ro, stop. Your wrists," he said looking down.

"I can't believe you did this," she hissed and he closed his eyes before opening the door. He stepped in and looked down at her.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you do this. I have to go but I wanted to say goodbye," he said and she shook her head.

"No. No! Please, let me go," she said and struggled more while tears fell from her eyes. As much as she wanted to be angry she couldn't. She couldn't let him leave.

"I can't do that. I'm so sorry," he said and his voice cracked. She shook her head and he pulled the letter out of his pocket. "Here."

"No. I don't want some letter. You can't leave!" she said and he frowned looking down. A tear fell from both their eyes and he looked back up at her. Her green eyes were so bright from her crying.

"I have to. I'm so sorry Ro. I love you," he said and kissed her forehead. She shook her head again but he just nodded.

"Damon please," she said and tried to reach for his hand. He saw and put his hand on hers. He couldn't believe that he brought himself to this.

"I'm sorry," he said and leaned down kissing her lips. She kissed him back but their tears made it salty and not enjoyable in this smallest bit. "Goodbye Ro," he said and kissed her forehead once more before walking out.

"Damon, no. I love you, Da-Damon!" she yelled and scrambled towards the closed cell door. "DAMON!" she yelled through tears and walking away was the hardest thing Damon has every done. Rosemary sat on the concrete ground and sobbed. She stood up and struggled against the chains some more until she collapsed. Her wrists were bleeding and her tears stained her cheeks.

She reached over and grabbed the letter he gave her. She opened it up and pulled out the folded paper. She took a shaky breath before opening it up. As she read the words on it she cried and her tears hit the paper. Her chest literally hurt from the pain of him walking away. It hurt even worse thinking that he could be on the way to his death. She looked down at the ring on her finger and cried. She twirled it around her finger and laid on the ground. She couldn't reach the walls and she physically couldn't sit up any longer.

"I can't believe I did that," Damon said to Jay while they were on the plane to New York. He hated himself for doing that to her. "She wasn't even angry. She was just so hurt."

"I don't know what to say man. Don't die," Jay said and Damon groaned while holding his face in his hands.

"If I do, you need to take care of her. If she doesn't take care of Vel, you need to do that. She sees you like a second father. Do that for me," Damon said and Jay sighed while putting a hand on his best friend's shoulder.

"You have my word," Jay promised and Damon nodded. They sat in silence for the rest of the trip. Damon couldn't get Rosemary's pleads out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her hurt eyes. He heard her sobs and screams for him to stay. He needed to get back to her. It was something he just needed to do.

Red Shadow Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora