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"Hello," Rosemary said in her phone. She had been in the middle of packing when her phone rang.

"Leigh Reese. I have a job for you," a voice she didn't recognize said in the phone. She furrowed her eyebrows and stood up.

"Who is this?" She asked and that got Damon's attention. He furrowed his brows and watched her.

"Benjamin Kamen. I own Jetbank," he said and Rosemary started pacing around. Jetbank made airplanes for basically everyone and everything.

"What can I do for you?" She asked and Damon shook his head at her. She wasn't ready to jump back in.

"I need a certain competitor of mine taken out of the game," Benjamin said and she nodded.

"Who is it?" She asked while walking towards her desk.

"Ace, no," Damon said and she waved him off. He got up and walked over to her. "Ro, you aren't ready."

"Louis Martin. I can send you the information," he said and Rosemary wrote the name down.

"Yea that would be great. Just text it to this number," she told him but her phone was snatched by Damon.

"Hold for one moment please," he said before muting the phone.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Rosemary yelled at him and tried to grab the phone.

"You aren't ready. You need to heal," he said and she scowled at him. She was feeling fine and there was only a little bit of pain every once in a while.

"Give me the phone," she ordered trying to grab it but he held it up out of her reach. She crossed her arms and glared at him. "You're being a child."

"You're being an idiot," he said and she scoffed. "Ro, I'm not letting you do this."

"Really? Watch me," she said and poked his side hard, making him bend over so she could grab the phone.

"Rosemary!" Damon boomed and she flinched at the use of her full name. She turned to face him and he looked really angry.

"How much?" She asked into the phone while staring straight at a fuming Damon.

"50,000," he said and she scoffed.

"I don't know who you've talked to but I don't get paid under 100k," she said coldly to him.

"75. Take it or leave it," he said. He genuinely couldn't afford to pay her anymore.

"You'll have to find someone else then. I would suggest you delete this number," Rosemary said before hanging up. "Happy?" She asked Damon and walked away.

"Yes I am," he stated while following her.

"It's not up to you what I do," she spat and he scoffed.

"You're not healed!" He yelled at her and she narrowed her gaze at him.

"It's still not your decision. You don't get to control my life!" She yelled back and he huffed. Rosemary was independent and she wasn't going to let him get in the way of business.

"I'm not controlling you!"

"Yes you are!"

"Well then, I will control you if it's helping you," he said and she scoffed.

"It's toxic," she said and he rolled his eyes while pacing a bit.

"It's not toxic. You're toxic! You're always yelling at me," he said and her jaw dropped.

"Me? ME?! You're the one giving me reasons to yell and you're not exactly calm!" She yelled and was fuming with anger as her finger poked his chest.

Red Shadow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora