Chapter 12: Departure

Start from the beginning

Aphrodite: "Everything you need for your quest can be found in here"

Connor: "Everything? This can't be it"

Aphrodite giggled.

Aphrodite: "It may look like a simple bag, but it can actually fit as many things inside it as possible. If you can think of it, it's in there. Just imagine what you want and put your hand in there"

Connor: "Could I just imagine Apophis?"

Aphrodite: "Don't know, we've never tried. But I suggest you don't"

I slung the backpack over my shoulders.

Odin: "We will create a portal for you. It will take you right to Egypt, however it will be up to you to navigate to the Pyramid of Giza. Kaito, the team will rely on you for this"

Kaito: "Of course, I won't let my team down"

Ra turned to Emiko.

Ra: "I hope you get well. Everyone in Mytho-Academy is rooting for a quick recovery"

Emiko: "Thanks"

Ra stepped back.

Ra: "We pray for your success. Whether you fail or succeed, we will still be extremely proud of you. However I have no doubt you will be successful in your quest"

Ra held his hand out, and a oak door appeared in front of us. It swung open, revealing a bright orange light.

Ra: "Good luck, and may the ancestors look after you"

Kaito was the first to enter the door and faded into the light. Next was Angel, then Emiko with Himari pushing her wheelchair. I was about to step into the door when Ra put his hand out.

Ra: "I apologize, however I must warn you of something"

Connor: "What?"

Ra: "Heka may be a god of magic and medicine, but he doesn't do these things for free. At times, he's even scammed demigods out of their lives. Albeit they were turned demigods, but still demigods nonetheless"

Connor: "So just be careful, got it"

He moved his arm away, and I stepped into the door.

On the other side was a giant desert. And straight ahead of us, was the great pyramids.

 And straight ahead of us, was the great pyramids

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