chapter seven

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I held my hands behind me and stood behind the wooden door waiting for Stephano to be through with the meeting. I wasn't allowed into the meetings, neither were the other guards. A bodyguard stood with me. He was a short, muscular blonde guy, he left a beard and mustache and his short blonde hair stood up straight on his head. He wore a black T shirt and had a gun hung around his shoulders. He stood with me wordlessly, barely sparing a glance to my face. He was the other man's guard. The one Stephano was having a meeting with,whose name I couldn't remember. I stood tiredly at the door waiting for Stephano to be done with it.

About an hour and thirty minutes later, Stephano walked out the door, his huge frame bending a bit to get out of it.

His eyes were angry and didn't seem to be happy from the outcome of the meeting. They were ablaze though he tried hard to get his shit together. He tilted his head to the side at me, signaling a "let's go." I followed happily behind him, tired of waiting.
As usual I maintained my position behind him and my hands interwined behind me. The driver held the door open and he got into the car first while I followed suit.

We drove silently to a small restraunt where he was having his next meeting.

He opened the door himself, getting out hastily. In his cold, icy glare he turned to me as I stepped my foot out the car. I froze.

"You stay here, I will be back." He said, turning hastily and walking into the restaurant.

I sighed, putting my foot back and shutting the door. I really wished I knew what it was all about.

This one took longer than the last and I was glad I stayed behind. The sky was getting dark already. I heaved a sigh of relief as I saw Stephano walk out the restraunt, looking satisfied. He held a small white bag in his hands.

He quickly opened the door, tossing it to me.

"Eat." He ordered and that was one order I was always willing to take.


Stephano had ordered the driver to go home while he drove with me in the front. I wondered why but I asked no questions. And currently I sat by the bar beside him with him as he gulped down several glasses of alcohol, I watched his movements get tipsy and his eyes roll around a bit.

I watched him carefully, his hair was messy from running his hand through it several times and I could only wonder what made Stephano this way.

"Here." He pushed the small glass towards me.

I pushed it back to him. "If I get drunk too, who will drive?"

"Nobody has to." Was his lame answer.

After a few more minutes of watching him and music blarring and people grind against each other, Stephano turned to me.


I gaped like a fish,"Nooo." I drew. My brows squeezed in horror.

"Do it, entertain me." He smirked, his pink lips looked so inviting and his teeth were perfect. His blue eyes held no worry, they looked rather comfortable. He must be really drunk.

"That's not in my job description." I rolled my eyes.

"You are no fun." He frowned childishly putting the glass to his lips and gulping down.

"Neither are you." I snickered.

"You are always pretty serious you know, you should be drooling over me and trying to get to my bed." He said neutrally.

I laughed, not in amusement but that laugh we laugh to ease any slight tension. "Lol... You are pretty serious too, rarely smile or crack a joke. And what's so special about your bed that should have me trying to get into it?" I cocked one of my brows.

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