Part 4

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Enjoy :) 


Today hadn’t been bad. School had gone okay, better than I expected.

The worst things were the rumours. One said I was a drug user, another said I was a sl*t in New York. The hurtful one was that Chase had used me, and then dumped me last year.

Chase had ignored me all day, avoided eye contact. I didn’t want to speak to him. I flushed the toilet after puking up the rest of my lunch and walked to my locker.

When I get really stressed or annoyed I am sick, that happened today. In the middle of science. It wasn’t funny.

“So, that homework assignment is due in on Friday. No excuses, I want it in” My body was heating up as the teacher spoke. The familiar feeling of queasiness started to run through me. This wasn’t good.

I held my hand up, a dozen pairs of eyes turned to look at me.

“Yes, Miss Hide?”

“May I be excused?” The feeling of dizziness started to pass over me; I had to blink a few times for the black dots to disappear.

“Why? This lesson is important. Only if you are bleeding or dying may you leave” Stuck up c*w. I held onto my stomach.

“Miss, I’m going to be…” I stood up from my chair and dashed towards the exit. I could hear snickers as I exited the room and ran towards the toilet.

The door opened as a girl walked out. I shoved her out the way and ran towards the nearest toilet, just making it. What a great first day.

I grabbed my bags from my locker and slammed the door shut. Lacey was stood behind me.

“Heard about you puking up your guts. Anything to do with the famous Chase Matthews?” I nodded and she laughed.

“Lots” I replied as we started walking towards the exit.

“Tell me everything. I’m good at starting rumours” She realised what she had said then turned to me.

“I didn’t make up any of those rumours. Chase has a lot of minions and followers. That stunt you pulled at lunch wasn’t good. You should probably watch your back now. Anyway I gotta go. See you tomorrow!” She ran towards a black jeep that had just pulled up waving to me.

I spotted Ben stood with a group of people. I strolled towards them but kept my distance when I neared them.

“Ben” He looked at me then said bye to people. We walked towards the car and got in. No doubt Ben had heard one of the many rumours.





Butterfly224 <3 

1 week was all it took.. for me to fall for you (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now