"Look there is a big hunt tomorrow and I wanted to invite you. The men miss you."

He breaks from my lips and glances at Levy. "I do not eat meat not do I hunt innocent game. Calla has opened my eyes to the wonderful world of whole foods and vegetables. Nuts and seeds.."

I felt a little guilty for making him adopt my imaginary diet. I took away all the things he loved. Fun. Meat. Booze.
I guess he could enjoy himself? But only a little.

" Go Leo. It will be fun."

"Really?" he grinned, excited at my new change of heart. A glimmer of hope and change fills his eyes. He smiled and nodded his head, turning over to meet his friend's gaze. "Fine. I will go Levy. Not because I miss you, but because Calla wants me to go."

"Huzzah." Levy cheers, slapping his friend's chest in play. I cringed once I heard the terrible phrase. It had been so long since I heard that dreadful phrase.

Leo noticed my change in facial expression and pulled me into his arms.
"You okay Calla?"

"Yes... that word... I just suddenly remember it"

"Oh..." he hummed, worried about the new state of my mind . If I remembered that word, that meant I was closer to regaining memories from the old Calla and he hated it.

"Come!" Leo lifted me upside down and I screamed playfully. He hosted me over his arms, biting my backside in lust.

"Leo" I screamed, trying to break free. He had not left anything to Levy and Vanessa's imagination. I reach an arm out to grab a blanket but Leo refused.

"Levy? I will hunt with you on Friday. Now, get out!  I'm gonna fuck my wife in the bathtub and wish to be left alone"

"Leo!!" I giggled, as he spun me aroun. I smile, watching Vanessa as he lifted me away. She was fuming at the core.
Stupid whore.
I waved good bye to her in spite before closing the door behind us.


Lizabeth rushed into the room just as soon as Leo had left. I don't know why I hid my body from Lizabeth as if she wasn't familiar with what transpired. The scent was more than apparent.

"Where did that goon go?" she smirked, sitting at the edge of the bed to face me.

"He said he had a late-night meeting to attend with Oslo and some men of the court."

She hummed, standing to walk to the desk filled with papers and notes.

"I can't believe I've come to this Lizabeth? I actually enjoy Leonardo fucking me? Am I insane?" I ask through a timid breath.

"No, but you are a woman with needs, understandably. I would do the same. And you're pregnant already. Leo's seed does nothing to interfere with the baby."

She picked up a small book and flipped it upside down to take in its contents. She soon grew tired of snooping and made her way to sit on the bed, looking around the pink room and chuckling.

"So what's the update for torturing Leo? Fucking him till he falls to his knees in submission then STAB!" Lizabeth giggled but I was silent.

My lack of amusement and reserve was apparent enough for her to notice.

"Lizabeth um....don't you think Leo has been through enough? I mean...I painted his room and made him give up meat. He has really changed"

"Calla! You are not serious?" Lizabeth's eyebrows furrowed with skepticism.

"I mean... it's just- he said...he loved me today"

Lizabeth stood from the sheets and backed away, taking in the news with sorrow.

"What's happened to you Calla? This is Leo? The same man that killed your fox and burned your letters? The very man who shattered your foolish hopes and dreams. Must I continue?" she saware.

"I know Lizabeth...but he is trying"

"Screw trying! Do not tell me you youhaving second thoughts? Calla you still remember your mission..our mission for a better Genovia! All this trouble and headache? The only reason Leo is changed was because of your concussion! And may I remind you how you came to receive that concussion? Oh, let me trigger your memory. You FELL in the bathroom trying to kill him!"

"I understand that Lizabeth but he has been trying. He lets me read and do my charity in the city."

"Oh God bless his pathetic  little soul! Are you adware this is a rouge? You are pretending! He acts like this because he thinks you are dumb!"

I stood from the covers, grabbing my robe and walking to face her.

"He thinks I am dumb? Or is that what you think friend?"

Lizabeth lets out a huff but looks away. "Do you truly think he would have changed have you not got amnesia?" she asked, testing my patience.

"Are you done?" I snapped. Lizabeth turned her head to face me, looking into my eyes.

"What's happened to you Calla? You're not the woman I met. The woman who had a fire in your heart and a flame that could not expire"

"I am still here...you are just too blind to see it."

"I am blind?" she chuckles, mocking my words. She was irritating my spirits today. "Are we done here, Lizabeth? Are you happy that you have read me to filth?"

"No...just dissatisfied. Underwhelmed to say the least." she frowned, turning to face the exit. "Donatello would never stand for this. He would say you are going soft"

"Hey! " I yelled storming after her, "How dare you! You have no right bringing him up at a time like this. You don't think I miss him?" I fumed, grabbing her arm so she could face me.

"Do you? Sorry. My apologies. It must be so easy to forget him. Your fervent moans deemed to disprove that"  she snatched her arm away.

"That's not fair!!! You think you can come in here and tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing?"

"Somebody needs to! You have veered off the plot!"

"I have not!"

"You don't even know if Donatello is alive? He could be dead for all you know and you wouldn't care! You are getting lost in a fantasy world where Leo is the hero instead of the villain!"

"I have no choice, Lizabeth. I have to pretend to keep up this immature rouge. If I ask to see Donatello or wonder about his whereabouts then my role will be exposed! Then what?"

"You would find a way CALLA! You always used to but I guess new dick changes people," she yelled, looking up to face my eyes.

I couldn't believe her words. Especially the fact that they came from someone I considered a close friend.

Maybe I was more upset at the validity of her statements. I opened my mouth to return her quip but my spirit did not allow me. I only glared and pushed past her, running out to be alone.

Author Note:

Lizabeth said what needed to be said. Calla lost the plot.

Do you guys think the plan to kill Leo should be off? I mean he has changed! And he loves Calla :(

I update at 100 reads :)

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