
"Ha! See! Now that's how it's done!" Oikawa mocks, gliding backward on the ice after completing and landing a sloppy Triple Salchow. Suga rolls his eyes, arms crossed as he watches Oikawa skate and stops in front of him, skidding so the ice would go onto Suga's skates.

"Ok first of all we've been at this for an hour and you fell each time. Probably bruising your leg." He shrugs.

"Second..." Oikawa looks at him expectantly while Suga hesitantly speaks, "Ugh fine you win. $10, as promised, waiting in the locker room." Oikawa grins.

"Better keep to that." He starts to skate around Suga, lining  up to try another jump, "And your legs are probably more bruised than mine." Suga rolls his eyes and watches Oikawa take off across the ice, turning backward before jumping into the air, attempting to spin four times but lands on the ice after three and a half, his skate catching on the ice, sending him toppling onto the hard ice.

He groans as Suga starts laughing, gaining a few of the other's attention. "Tighten that turn Oikawa!" Kiyoko calls from the stands, sitting next to a short blond girl who is her assistant and also helps with any serious injuries.

"Yup!" Oikawa calls, voice strained from the pain of landing hard on his thigh. He lies still on his back on the cold surface, breathing heavily.

"Hey get up."

"One second jeez, that one hurt."

"Well, your 'friend' just showed up." Oikawa's eyes widen.

"Ok, you're lying to get a reaction from me." Suga chuckles and slides over, towering over him.

"I wish I was lying, really, but no. He's sitting in the front row to your right." Oikawa takes a deep breath before jolting to his feet, wincing at the discomfort. Suga points to his right where Iwaizumi is sitting, writing on a sheet of paper that's on a clipboard. Oikawa smirks and looks at Suga. "Watch and learn. This is how you get a guy." Suga rolls his eyes.

"I can get any guy I want. And I do almost every day. There is nothing you can teach me except how to crash and burn." Oikawa turns, skating backward to flip off the silver-haired boy. He then turns around right as he reaches the low wall, placing his hands firmly on the plastic surface to stop him.

"Well well well, we meet again, lover boy." Oikawa leans his elbows on the wall, watching the other read through the paper.

"Don't call me that." He says, not so much as looking at Oikawa, who frowns.

"Fine fine, I'll stick to Iwa-chan then." He speaks playfully, now getting the boy's attention, who looks up with a glare.

"Don't call me that either."

"What? You let me last night." Iwaizumi opens his mouth to speak before closing it. "Have I rendered you speechless?"

"You're a lot more annoying during the day."

"Wha! So mean Iwa-chan." He hears giggles from behind him and turns to flip off Suga and Akaashi who are enjoying the exchange. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and looks down at his papers. "Anyway what are you doing? Didn't your practice end already."

"Yeah, they needed me to come out and fill out a form regarding my injury." Oikawa hums, watching him intently. "Oh that reminds me." Iwaizumi looks up again to meet Oikawa's gaze. "Do you know the name of the boy who works at the front desk?"

"Which one?"

"The nice one." Oikawa chuckles.

"That's Yamaguchi. He's new. I think people figured having a friendly face at the front desk would be better." Iwaizumi chuckles.

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