"Kinsley you can stay with me. You can model for me, I mean it. Please don't be seen with him, he's horrible and he cheated on me, and took my virginity and bragged about it. Please Kinsley, tell me you didn't do anything." I demand as she sighs and shakes her head yes.

"Kins-" I go to start as she cuts me off. "We didn't have sex, but he flattered me when I was upset and we did kiss and now I can't get away." She tells me as I continue to hold her.

"Will you show me the bruises?" I ask as she nods. I help her lift the side of her dress as she shows me her rib cage, her arms, her thighs, all of the bruises. She is so tiny she's an easy target. She might be tall, but she's so tiny she looks almost sickly. I want to cry for her when I look at them all. I quickly pull her dress down all the way as she wipes her tears.

"I'm so so sorry I ruined your night" she demands as I hold her again, "Don't be sorry, it's okay, everything is going to be okay."

Someone else walks into the bathroom as I take her hand and wipe her face. I check the outside of the bathroom before I walk to the exit and slip her and me out of it while avoiding all the football players. I push her out the door as I open my clutch and hand her my key and send her the code to my alarm system on my phone.

"Kinsley listen to me. Here's my key, and I just sent you my alarm code and address, Brody lives right next door to my apartment and I know we have to stay for his award or something but after that I'll be back. You can change and wear anything from my closet. How much money did he pay you?" I ask all at once while hauling a cab.

"$800, and he bought my dress but I didn't spend it, I still have it in my savings account." She tells me while wiping her tears away. I can't believe I'm about to do this. She's lucky I went to the bank and got cash today for groceries and to go shopping with my mom this weekend.

"Okay, go. I'll take care of it, I mean it Kinsley. Call your mom, she's probably worried about you because if I know Brody the way I do he's probably already had a conversation with her and your dad." I tell her as she nods. She reaches up and hugs my neck before pulling away.

"Thank you Gemma. I promise I won't be a bother. Thank you so much." She demands as I nod and help her into the taxi. I pay the driver and usher her off before going back inside and finding Brody and Christian having a nice talk.

"You sick son of a bitch" I demand behind both of them as I see coach Hutson on the other side of the room. After this shit, I will never be welcome around him again.

"Gemma, you look beautiful" he tells me as I roll my eyes.

"Cut the crap, here." I demand handing him a thousand dollars as Brody stares down at me. "She's not coming back, here is your money you were going to pay her, and the money for her dress. Brody she's got bruises everywhere, not just her arm and wrist and he's obsessed with her. News flash Christian, not every girl you see is your property. Kinsley only agreed to come with you because she's Brody's cousin and wanted to see him. You turned out just like your father. Don't you dare talk to her or me again." I demand as I see Brody fume next to me. Not normal fuming, like built up rage that makes me scared.

"He hurt her worse than her arm?" He asks me as Christian looks like he's about to shit his pants and I nod. She showed me the bruises, I saw them.

"Outside now" he demands at Christian. Before Christian can respond Brody pushes him out the backdoor and into the side of the building. I follow behind him and I don't like what I see.

His face has changed, he's so angry he's seeing red. He picks Christian up and throws him into the he wall again before punching him square in the jaw. The blood pours out of Christians lip as I cover my mouth in awe. My Brody wouldn't do that, he's never like that.

"Brody stop!" I demand as he keeps going until Christian is bleeding so much worse.

"BRODY!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I try to get him to stop. He continues until Christian looks almost unconscious.

"Brody stop before you kill him!" I yell at him as he doesn't hear me. I don't know who this person is, and I can't stand who he's become. Before I realize what I'm doing I'm run over to him and grab his shoulder. What shocks me the most though is when he pushes me away and I fall right down onto the concrete. He pushes me square into my shoulder while scrapping my knee and shredding the side of my expensive dress.

Brody immediately stops when he looks down at me and he sees the tears in my eyes. I don't know who he's become but I hate it. I hate what he's done, he pushed me onto the ground, and he beat Christian to a pulp. Christian is a dick, but he didn't deserve that. I'm in tears as Brody stares down at me and realizes what he's done. I'm bleeding and I'm sure I'll have bruises, and I can't even look at him the same. I just got done telling him that I love him, and now he's pushing me onto the pavement. I knew it was to good to be true.

"Gem-" he goes to start as I push away from him and cover my sobs into my hand.

When someone sees me out the window they realize what's happening. Brody steps away as he tries to come towards me and I wipe my tears shaking my head no. I don't want to talk to him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me you sick and angry son of a bitch" I demand behind my tears as I grab my hurt shoulder.

I didn't think Brody had a mean bone in his body and then this is what he does? I don't love this version of him. He's not the man I love, he's not my Brody.

If he would do this to me now, and push me down on the pavement what's stopping his from hurting me in a few weeks, years, or longer? He's got all this built up rage inside of him and he's not okay. I should have realized it sooner when he gets angry about stuff that happens to women in his life, but he hurt me, so I'm obviously not an important woman in his life.

Coach Huston opens the back door and looks around as he sees what's happened and then looks at me. He stares at Brody's hands before he starts, "Pack up, you're done." He tells him as I cry into my hand.

"We're done too. I can't believe what you did to him and me" I tell him grabbing my clutch and grabbing my promise ring off my hand. I throw it at his feet and walking off to the building past the sea of people. I walk out the front of the building and I hail myself a cab. I can't believe what just happened.

It's all over. He hurt me, after I trusted him, he hurt me. And I'm devastated.

Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-off #2)✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt