Scowling, Carter crossed her arms and went back to staring at the opposite wall. The whole room was a mix of neutral tones, trying to bring an atmosphere of calm. It wasn't working.

"Like Carter said, we went in as IT personnel," Mason said. "The cover was simple, we got access to the building and the computer room. I needed to reprogram some of their software, but it was going to take time. More time than we should have needed. So we had a backup plan..."

This time Carter did shudder, the memory grossly vivid in her mind.

"We would play it like we were colleagues who..." Mason winced. "Who were attracted to each other, that way if we needed a cover..."

He shook his head. "Why are we talking about this? Can't we stop working together? I think that would be easier."

"I have to agree," Carter said. "It would solve everything. Reliving this serves no purpose."

Dr. Wen sighed.

"No, you can't stop working together. The Bureau sent you here because you are good agents and have a long history of completing operations together. Reliving it does serve a purpose, it will bring to light the fact that what happened is not as damaging as you believe."

Carter wasn't sure about that and the way Mason grimaced she knew he felt the same way.

"Carter, what happened next?" Dr. Wen said.

Letting out a breath, Carter closed her eyes.

"We got into the computer room, Mason went to work. He was halfway down when he heard someone coming. We needed an excuse for why we weren't done yet. And with the hints that we had already laid out made sense to..."

"You know what," Mason said. "I'll quit, it will make this easier."

Dr. Wen waved him down. "What happened next, Carter?"

It took all of Carter's strength to continue.

"When the worker stepped into the computer room, he found us..." Carter shuddered and Mason cringed. "Kissing."

Despite her best efforts to wipe the memory out, Carter could still remember the way Mason's lips felt. It was disgusting.

If she was being completely honest with herself, she wasn't sure how the worker had been convinced, she imagined that they had both been grimacing through the whole thing.

"And do you believe it was necessary to keep your cover intact to have been seen kissing?" Dr. Wen asked.

"Yes," Mason admitted. "We got a reprimand but also bought ten more minutes to finish the operation."

Dr. Wen smiled encouragingly and Carter wanted to throw a vase at her.

"See, what you did was needed, it protected you, your covers, and the Bureau. I know it is hard to get past something like this, but you need to look at it from a logical stand point. You were doing your job, nothing more. Whatever emotions have arisen from the situation are normal."

Dr. Wen held onto the edge of her notepad.

"You have a good history of working together. The Bureau doesn't want to lose that over something so simple. Can you see that what you did was a cover, nothing more?"

Of course, but that didn't make it any less awkward. Carter now knew Mason tasted like black coffee and peppermint breath mints. She didn't need to ever know that.

"Carter, did you talk to Donovan about what happened?" Dr. Wen asked.


"How did it go?"

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