𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 -𝘖𝘭𝘥 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴

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Harry walked through the halls of the hospital trying to find the bathroom. He finally spotted the men's room, and he also spotted something or someone else. Someone else that made his heart stop.

Hermione Jean Granger.

He tried to quickly run into the bathroom without being seen but since Hermione was probably the most quick-witted person in the world she saw him. And to say she was pissed was an understatement.

"Harry James Potter you have five minutes to explain where the hell you have been or I swear I will slit your fucking throat!" She shouted pure rage filled her voice.

"Hermione, why are you here? Who's hurt?" Harry asked, of course, he was scared of what Hermione would do to him but his friends and family came first.

"Don't ignore me! Where have you been?!" She repeated.

"Fine, I'll tell you the same thing I told Remus. I went on vacation. I'm just here to visit someone," Harry lied.

"Don't give me that crap! I can tell when you're lying!"

"I'm not lying! Now, why are you here?" Harry asked again. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Cedric," she said simply. Harry's face showed nothing but worry. "Don't worry, he's fine he just sprained his ankle while practicing for football."

"So he's okay?" Harry asked just for clarification.

"Yes," Hermione said shortly.

They just stood there staring at each other. In a very uncomfortable silence. They turned their attention to a certain blond calling Harry's name.

"Harry!" Draco yelled out of breath. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yes Ma-" he looked over at Hermione. "I mean Draco." Hermione gave him a suspicious look.

"I've been looking for you," Draco said and put a hand on Harry's shoulder to keep himself from falling over. Harry looked up at him in annoyance.

"Who's this?" Hermione asked looking at Draco.

"I'm Harry's boyfriend and you are?" Draco said wrapping his arm around Harry's waist possessively and looking down at the frizzy-haired girl with disgust.

"I'm Harry's best friend. For thirteen years by the way," Hermione said like the know-it-all she is.

"Let's not start," Harry said trying to keep things peaceful. He was also fighting the urge to shove Draco's arm from around his waist and slap him.

"Harry he's awake and they're allowing visitors so come on," Draco said pulling Harry towards the way to his father's room.

"Wait!" Harry snapped. "Tell Remus that I'm sorry and that I miss him, same with Sirius," he said looking at Hermione.

Hermione nodded then looked at the floor nervously. "Will you come to visit anytime soon?" She asked knowing the answer.

Harry looked at Draco with his famous puppy eyes and for once Draco didn't crack. The blond shook his head sadly and Harry nodded understanding.

"No, I won't. I'm sorry," he said sadly.

The raven-haired boy walked up to his friend and hugged her tightly. "And tell Cedric to stop injuring himself. I'm starting to think he can't play football," he mumbled to Hermione.

She chuckled and nodded. "Goodbye Harry. I'll tell Sirius and Remus that you're safe."

"Bye Mione." They let go of each other and Harry walked to Lucius' room with Draco while he held back tears.


Harry, Draco, Astoria, and the twins were currently in Lucius' room. And the elder blond was practically laying on his death bed, but his surgeon said he would live. Draco shot him in his shoulder but the bullet moved and grazed his lung which made it hard for him to breathe.

But Lucius got lung surgery from a good surgeon meaning he would live for another day. Which also meant that they would need the poison that Blaise and Pansy cooked up. That was their specialty, their favorite poison was the one that you could just smell it and in a second you would be dead.

The way Lucius looked out shame to the Malfoy name. His hair was ragged and rough. His lips were chapped and had a blue tint to them. Overall he didn't look good.

The twins were holding in their laughter. Astoria was trying not to smirk since she was supposed to be his daughter. Harry was holding Draco's hand tightly since he was the only one that noticed the doctor was still there. And Draco had a look of grief shown on his face. Everyone thought he was faking and he did too, but he wasn't.

"When is that doctor gonna leave?" Harry muttered to Draco. He was tired of playing the role of the blond's husband.

"I don't but it's getting creepy, he's not supposed to just be watching us like that," Draco muttered back.

"Well I'm going to ask for some privacy," Harry decided going towards the doctor before Draco could stop him.

"Hi," he greeted politely.

"Hello there," the doctor greeted with an Australian accent.

"Are you Lucius' doctor?" Harry asked.

The doctor shook his head, "no I'm the intern that assisted his surgeon during surgery. Neville Longbottom, a pleasure to meet you," he informed.

"Harry Malfoy," the ravenette introduced. "My husband was just wondering if we could get some privacy. I don't mean to offend you or anything it's just a little weird with you watching us."

"Oh, sure no problem. I have to go check on some patients anyway. I hope he gets better," Dr. Longbottom said then walked down the hall.

Well, that was odd - Harry thought as he walked back into the room and sat in a chair dozing off.

-End of Chapter-

I'm not good with medical terms so this was probably full of things that couldn't happen but we won't speak on that.

*falls off the roof AcCiDeNtAlLy*

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now