𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 -𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨

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It had been 2 weeks since Harry heard the conversation that happened in Draco's office. Draco Malfoy my kidnapper has feelings for me? - he thought for the hundredth time as he laid in bed. He started thinking about how he could use this to his advantage.

He started pacing back and forth he was in a trance and he completely forgot that there was someone else in the house. But he quickly got reminded that he wasn't alone when he heard a knock on the door which caused him to scream.

The door opened to a very disturbed looking Draco. "You good?" He asked Harry nodded. "Anyways I came in here to tell you I'm leaving to go do some uh- stuff?"

"You mean to go kill people?" Harry asked.

Draco shook his head, "no we have a shipment. So I need to go take of that. I'll be back soon," he said awkwardly.

"Well, alright don't die."

"Of course I won't. We haven't fucked yet, I can't die before that."

Harry flushed. "Shut up."

"Bye stumpy!" Draco shouted walking out the door.

"See ya later blondie!" Harry called back.


While Draco was gone Harry was thinking that he could use the blond's feelings to escape. But then he felt bad. Sometimes he really hated his guilty conscience.

He also started to wonder if he was also starting to feel something for Draco. But he wasn't. Sure he was attracted to him physically but Draco's personality is pure asshole.

But what if Draco mistook his attraction to Harry as feelings. The two had never had any emotional moments. Harry does nothing but call Draco an asshole. And Draco does nothing but make perverted jokes. How could the blond be catching feelings?

And how could Harry catch feelings? Draco made Remus hate him. Draco prefers Chick-fil-A (an automatic turn off). Draco is a mob leader. Draco has killed people. Draco Malfoy is not a good person.

At least that's what Harry thought. However, he wasn't thinking about the time he and Draco went shopping. They had a lot of fun. Draco made many perverted jokes. Harry had to tell him to shut up many times. But they were smiling, laughing, and blushing that whole time.

Of course, he also wasn't thinking about when Draco somewhat comforted him last week. He had never told anyone about what happened with his ex other than Hermione. He was going to tell Remus but then he would tell Sirius then Sirius would get in protective dad mode, and it would've been too much to handle.

It's not like the night still traumatizes the raven-haired boy. It doesn't. He stopped having nightmares about it a while ago, but sometimes he thinks about it and it sends chills running down his back.

Flashback (warning attempted rape)

To say Harry was miserable was an understatement. Hermione had forced him to go on a double date with her so that she could break things off with her fling because she wanted support. Harry brought his asshole of a boyfriend with him. Harry had never noticed that his boyfriend was a disgusting pig. But he still wasn't happy in the relationship. He didn't want to hurt his boyfriend though so he just stayed silent.

Cormac (his boyfriend), was talking to Viktor (Hermione's soon to be ex-fling) the entire time. The bar was hot and filled with sweaty people. Hermione looked just as miserable. Harry knew he was going to owe Hermione later for what he was about to do but he didn't care.

"I'm going to get some fresh air I'll be back," He announced, Cormac nodded not even looking at him and Hermione's face showed nothing but anger.

"Harry! You can't leave me here, not with these idiots," she whispered shouted.

"I'm so sorry 'Mione but it's so hot in here and they're just sitting there," Harry replied.

"I hate you, Harry James Potter," Hermione grumbled under her breath. Harry smiled fondly.

"I love you too, Hermione Jean Granger," he said sincerely. Hermione just rolled her eyes and let him walk off.

Harry walked through the back door and stood outside enjoying the fresh air. The door had led him to an alleyway and it was very dark considering it was late at night.

He stood out there for a good ten minutes on his phone when a figure approached him. He looked up to see his very drunk boyfriend.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Cormac slurred.

"I told you, I needed some fresh air," Harry said harsher than usual.

"No need to get all defensive sweetheart," His boyfriend chuckled. Harry rolled his eyes.

He reached for his phone again but Cormac grabbed his wrist forcefully.

"Let me go!" Harry commanded. Cormac just tightened his grip.

"I think we should have some fun, don't you?" He whispered as he started to trail wet sloppy kisses down Harry's neck.

"No. Now let me go!" Harry screamed as he tried to push the taller male off of him.

"Oh come on! We've never had sex and I've been patient enough! Don't you think?" Cormac slurred out again.

"No, please don't touch me," Harry pleaded.

"I'm tired of waiting. I'll touch you if I want and you'll do as I please."

He started unbuckling his belt and he forced Harry's shirt off. Harry's adrenaline kicked in as the taller male began to get his dick out. He kicked the Cormac where he knew it would hurt and ran as fast as his little leg would take him.

He had managed to get home safely. The next day he told Hermione what happened and she wouldn't stop blaming herself but he reassured her it wasn't her fault that his taste in men was dreadful.

End of Flashback

Harry walked downstairs to comfort himself with food. He was in the middle of slurping a noodle when a knock came from the door. He groaned before remembering what Draco told him. He wasn't allowed to open the door so he just continued slurping happily on his noodles before another knock came.

He groaned as he got up to open the door. If Malfoy gets mad I'll just use puppy eyes -he thought. He opened the door and got greeted by an ecstatic-looking Pansy.

"Who came back to life?" Harry joked.

"What?" Pansy said confused.

"It's something my godfather would say when someone looked overly happy."

"Anyways. I have the best news! Draco shot his father. Isn't that great?"

-End of Chapter-

We love it when assholes get shot.

*falls into a black hole*

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now