𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 - 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦

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Draco indeed had to drag Harry to their destination. They were in the hotel lobby and Harry was thinking about making a run for it. They had just walked in then Harry started screaming.

"Somebody help this man kidnapped me!" Everyone turned their heads.

Draco however predicted this. "Sweetheart I own the hotel but nice try," he whispered in Harry's ear.

"Just because you own the hotel doesn't mean that you wouldn't kidnap someone," Harry said and started yelling again.

Draco didn't predict this but he still acted fast. He moved his hand from Harry's arm and put his arm around Harry's waist.

"Baby you're supposed to save the role-playing for the bedroom. Sorry guys my fiancé is new to the whole kinky thing," he said very loudly so that most of the lobby heard him.

Harry's cheeks turned a deep red. "Don't start things you aren't capable of finishing, Potter," Draco whispered right into his ear.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry sneered as he shoved Draco's arm from around his waist. He would be lying he said he didn't miss the warmth, but he would never admit that.


After one very disturbing car ride, the two males seemed to reach their destination. It was a pretty dirty looking abandoned nightclub.

"Where are we?" Harry asked but he got no response. Does no one here know how to answer questions - he thought to himself.

Draco yet again had to drag Harry out of the car. "I like your force it's very kinky as you would put it," Harry said thinking it would disturb Draco. But it didn't it just made him use more force and say,

"I'm glad you like it, short stuff." Harry had never glared at anyone so hard in his life.

"I'm not even that short!"

"Okay, stumpy."

Harry was about to say a smart remark but Draco cut him off, "Hello everyone!"

Harry looked over and saw eight people.

"This is Vincent Crabbe, he is your new bodyguard he is also one of our fighters," Draco said walking over to a tall chubby male with brown hair and a bowl cut.

"This is Gregory Goyle, my bodyguard and another one of our fighters he also helps crafts weapons," Draco introduced another tall chubby male but the man had more muscle and sandy brown hair that was slightly curly at the tips.

"Hello," Harry greeted as nicely as possible. The men just nodded. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Moving on, this is Seamus Finnigan, he is our bomb expert. Great at crafting weapons along with his fiancé Dean Thomas. Dean couldn't make it for some reason but oh well," Draco said walking over to a sandy-haired man.

"Hi," Harry greeted cheerfully, this man looked nicer than all the others.

"Hello mate," Seamus said with an Irish accent. Harry smiled for the first time since he got kidnapped.

"Finnigan back off or I'll tell your husband," Draco snapped. Seamus looked offended but nodded.

"Anyways," Draco said irritated Harry was confused as to why, "this is Astoria Greengrass, master manipulator she distracts people by seducing them-"

"Then why do you need me to distract men?" Harry asked.

"Don't cut me off, Potter!" Draco yelled harsher than usual. "Well, now I forgot what I was saying, you idiotically small human!"

"Sorry," Harry muttered.

"Draco leave the poor boy alone," Astoria said. Draco rolled his eyes. "You're such an ass."

"Potter, we're leaving hurry along," Draco said as he started walking away.

"But we didn't meet everyone," Harry pleaded.

Draco groaned. "That's Fred and George they are our way of keeping the police away," he pointed to a pair of red-headed twins. Harry waved at them. "And you already met Pansy, Blaise, and Theo. So come on!"

Harry didn't know why Draco was so angry but he definitely didn't like it. If he wasn't scared before he definitely was now.

"But we never found out his name," the twins whined at the same time. Draco groaned again.

"Harry James Potter, pleasure to meet you all. You guys are obviously nicer than Mr. Grump over there," he snickered.

"Potter!" Draco yelled.

"I'm coming," Harry mumbled unenthusiastically.

"Bye Harry!" The others said cheerfully just to make their boss mad. Draco rolled his eyes and dragged Harry to the car.

-End of Chapter-

This might be my last chapter for a little bit because I think I might be getting grounded.


*yeets into 2021*

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 | 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺Where stories live. Discover now