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OPEN YOUR SPOTIFY. please play experience
composed by ludovico einaudi. 〕

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The room fell silent as Tewkesbury and Y/N locked eyes, the tension between them palpable. Tewkesbury's gaze was unwavering, a fierce glower etched upon his face as he waited for Y/N to explain her actions.

"I can explain," she said, her voice small and unsteady.

"Good, because I was going to demand an explanation," Tewkesbury replied, his voice sharp and accusing.

"He made me do it. I had no choice," Y/N tried to defend herself.

"There's always a choice," Tewkesbury countered, his tone unyielding.

"What if there isn't?" she asked, desperation creeping into her voice.

"There is, Y/N," Tewkesbury replied, his voice firm. "Apparently, you just didn't know that. To be honest, I'm not sure if I want to hear your explanation anymore," Tewkesbury said, his tone tinged with scepticism. "Given your range of possibilities to twist the truth, I can't trust that you're being truthful this time."

His words struck Y/N like a physical blow, causing her to take a step back as she felt a barrage of emotions wash over her. Her brows furrowed in confusion and pain as she struggled to understand his mistrust.

"Is that what you really think of me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Tewkesbury said nothing, only turning away from her.

"I told you, Fergus made me-" Y/N started to explain, but Tewkesbury cut her off.

"Oh, he's got a name?" Tewkesbury said, sarcasm lacing his words.

"I don't know if you're joking. Everyone has a name," Y/N replied, her voice rising in frustration.

"This is why I don't believe you. You act as if this isn't even serious!" Tewkesbury exclaimed, his anger evident in his tone.

"I am serious about this!" Y/N cried out.

"Then why?!" Tewkesbury demanded.

"Why what?" Y/N asked, desperation in her eyes.

"Why did you let me in your life and betray me the next? Why would you sell us all out as if we're nothing? Why don't you say it all so seriously and stop with the fumbling of words?"

"What the hell do you want me to do? Cry and kneel in front of you?! Yes! I betrayed you, but it wasn't my fault! I had no choice!" She raised her voice, breathing hard as her chest rose and fell with every air she took.

"Tell me, Tewkesbury," she added and walked closer to him. "If you put yourself in my shoes, would you beg for forgiveness knowing damn well it wasn't your fault? Would you pay the price of something you weren't willing to do? Would you ignore the innocence you worked hard on for something scandalously done by someone else and not you?"

He didn't answer and looked away. She tried to reach for his cheek, but he took a hold of it and not so violently nor gently did he push it away. "I'm done, Y/N." With that, he marched back to the cottage furiously.

There, she crumbled from a wall of strong stones to small debris of pure emotions. The girl for once willingly let her tears fall down her cheeks. She put both her hands on her head and pushed her hair back, starting to breathe in a heavy unstable manner. Her head was starting to see the distortions of her surroundings.

There came a bigger lump on her throat that made her unable to speak. It only pushed her to let out a sob. She slightly crouched for her knees quivered so horribly that she couldn't even tell if she could stand any longer. However, as the morning breeze calmed her down, she finally gained the energy and there, the girl started running through the small forest area that she didn't know where it leads to. She just wanted to get away. She wanted to be so far away from here. She wanted to disappear, wipe herself from everyone's memories even.

Y/N wanted to sink in an ocean or even let herself be swallowed by the ground. She felt disgusted by herself. She felt unfaithful. And, well, if she felt that way, maybe she is unfaithful. Maybe she is a scheming little liar. A traitor. But, she did it for her children. Their children.

Y/N's thoughts raced as she stumbled away from the scene. "No, Y/N, turn back! You must tell him about the children!" a voice echoed in her mind. Would he believe her? Would he accept her back into his life after what she had done? She couldn't shake the doubt that consumed her.

Despite her inner turmoil, she pressed on, allowing the cold winds of the night to comfort her. The melodic chirping of birds sang a symphony in her ear, accompanying the sorrowful ballad that played within her heart. Her hair danced in the breeze, a wild and free contrast to her stiff and rigid hands that tightly grasped her skirt. With each step, she felt the pain of the past events sting at her back, reminding her of the weight she carried.

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The wound needed to be healed, but a part of her wondered if it was better left unhealed, as a way to punish herself for her actions. Her lashes were wet with tears and her vision was blurred once again, but she pushed herself to continue, to keep moving forward. She couldn't stop now, not when she was so close. With a fierce determination, she thrust herself forward, until finally, her surroundings shattered as she collided with a wall, sending a nearby ceramic vase crashing to the ground.

Tewkesbury collapsed onto the chair, his body heavy with exhaustion. He brought a hand to his head, feeling the perspiration trickle down his face. His breaths came in short, ragged gasps, his chest heaving with the effort of controlling his emotions. The room was in shambles, but it was a small price to pay for the truth.

He wanted to get up and make things right, to undo the damage that had been done. But as much as he willed himself to do so, he was rooted to the spot, his mind consumed with doubt. Maybe they had been fated to be apart, two souls meant for different paths in life. He had tried to convince himself that their past was just that, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to be together.

But perhaps it was all just an illusion, a fantasy born from the naivety of two young people who thought they could change the world. They were not heroes, just foolish teenagers with grand ambitions.

Guineviere and Enola were overwhelmed with disbelief, unable to accept the news. Leucrion was in a state of shock, unable to process the information. Lord Theron and Lord Allistair were shaken to their core, but they tried to distract themselves by attending to the young boy who kept asking for Y/N. "She won't come near you again, I promise," they reassured him.

Evelyn was present, but she didn't say a word. She had a lot of thoughts running through her mind, and she wanted to voice her complaints about Y/N, but she realised that there were no reasons to dislike her except for the fact that she betrayed them. Baron Barron, or Lord Barron, sat at the table with a blank expression, staring at the wooden surface in front of him. "I knew she was too good to be true," he muttered to himself.

And, Y/N. Y/N was just a silly little figment of the past who was blinded and convinced that she can be someone she should've believed she could never be. The history is fucked up because of them. That's what they thought until more than ten idiots finally came to save everyone.

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