I tap on the door quietly and wait. I don't even know if she'll open the door, she might close it on me, or she might just say she's done. But I can't give her up, especially without trying. I tap again and immediately feel relived when I see Trish open the door.

"Hey M-, I mean Trish" I mutter out as she nods and smiles at me. "Brody how are you dear?" she asks as I sigh. "Honestly I've been better, I need to talk to Gemma." I tell her as she shakes her head no.

"Brody she's upset right now" she tells me while I shake my head no again.

"She broke up with me" I tell her as she nods, "I know but, Brody Gemma is not in a good place right now. She's upset and I don't know the extent of your conversation with her but I didn't even know she didn't want kids because of me. It makes me feel horrible to know that I caused it and I'm sorry she's a mess. But Brody when I got diagnosed I took samples of her blood, hair, and spit, and she doesn't have a gene for cancer. She takes vitamins, and that's it. So, she's just upset now." she tells me while I stand quietly.

"Please, Gemma and I aren't done. She can't just end us and expect me to okay with that. I haven't even told her yet, but I love her. I do, and it's killing me to know that she can't even talk to me." I tell her as she smiles.

"I was just on my way to buy a new dress for the launch party, dinner thing but Gemma's asleep. Stay in here and I'll be right back. I like you Brody, and I figured you love her, and I know you'll take care of her." she tells me while I walk in.

I see her walk down the hall as I stand beside the kitchen countertop. I stand for a few minutes before I see Trish walk back out. "Brody, she's tough but she's scared. Work it out because I'd love to have you as a son in law." she tells me as I nod.

"About that, umm, what size ring does she wear? She told me four and a half" I tell her as she nods.

"Just give her time, maybe just a promise ring right now until a while or so." she tells me as I nod in agreement. "I'll ask your permission first, I won't do it without you being involved and I know we have a while until then." I tell her back as she nods.

"Take care of her for me." she whispers grabbing my arm as she hugs my side and walks out the apartment door. I hear Gemma's footsteps and she stops when she walks into the kitchen and she sees me. She stays quiet as she looks me up and down, and then runs out of the kitchen.

I sprint after her to the hallway and grab her in my arms before she makes it to her bedroom.

"Gemma talk to me" I demand wrapping my arms around her waist from the back before pulling her into my arms and walking to the living room. I take her in there as she stays lifeless on my chest and I hear her soft cries. I sit down and haul her onto my lap as I grab her face and wipe her tears.

"Gem, baby, we aren't done. Tell me what's going on, don't fucking run from me." I whisper into her as I rub her side softly.

"I can't-, I can't do this." She whispers looking up as I finally see her beautiful blue eyes and perfect skin. She's been crying for what looks like hours but she's still beautiful. She looks even better when she's like this, in a sweatshirt and hair in a bun.

"Why? Gemma I'm not going to hurt you. Baby, fuck." I whisper covering my mouth. She stares as I pull her until her forehead is touching mine.

"Gemma look at me." I demand as she looks at me and I grab her face, "Gemma I'm so fucking in love with you. I absolutely love everything about you, Gemma you make me a better man, and I love you. I know I love you, and it killed me when you got into aunt Tatum's car and left. Gem, trust me. I love you." I tell her while looking straight at her.

"How-, why? I'm a mess" she whispers as I hold her on my lap.

"I love you so much. I haven't ever loved any woman the way I love you. You're mine, and we can't break up because I love you with everything in me. I know you don't trust men, but I'm not going to hurt you. I know you don't want kids, but your mom told me about what she did. I'm willing to work this out and talk with you, I'm willing to sit down and listen if you give me the chance. I shouldn't have acted the way I did and I'm so sorry for that. It will never happen again because I'm here and I won't leave you." I tell her as she immediately starts crying.

She hugs my chest as she burrows into my neck and starts shaking in tears. "I'm so sorry" she whispers as I nod and hold her.

"I can't help you if I don't know what's going on. Baby I'm sorry too but I love you" I tell her softly as I rub her back under my hand.

"I'm sorry. I don't feel like we should be together anymore because I don't even know who I am or what I want anymore. Why did you fuck me up?" She asks while letting out a small laugh.

"Baby-" I whisper as she starts, "Brody before I met you I had a plan, marry Christian so I wouldn't be alone, and then I'd just live my life with my business and taking care of my mom and husband. Then you came, and now, I don't know anything anymore. You make me what all those things that I never thought I did. I have thought about marriage, living together, babies, my mom, your family, and it's a lot. I don't know how I feel anymore because you're in my life." She whispers as I nod and stay still.

"Gem, you think I thought I'd come to New York and met the love of my life? I always thought I'd marry a country girl from Georgia not a businesswoman who could kick my ass." I tell her as she wipes her tears.

"Breaking up with you, it's one of the hardest things I've ever done." She tells me as I hold her, "So don't do it again" I whisper as she sighs.

"My mom told me that I didn't carry her cancer gene, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm terrified of not being a good mother, or even wife." She tells me softly.

"Baby, If you don't want kids, I get it. I had to sit down with my mom and she explained it all to me from her point of view and she didn't want children for a long time either, but then she met my dad and wanted to." I whisper as she nods.

"I don't know if I ever will want them but, I would be willing to work through it with you." She tells me as my heart soars.

"Be my girl again. Gemma I know you didn't mean it.  I am not going to pressure you into having a baby if you just don't want to but trust me. Just do this, just us and trust me. Learn to trust me." I tell her rubbing her cheek.

"I'll willing to try but I've never trusted a man that hasn't hurt me. You wouldn't do that would you? Would you tell me if you wanted another girl, or if you weren't attracted to me anymore, or if I didn't satisfy you when the day comes?" She asks as I grab her head and push her face into my shoulder as I hug her.

"Gem, listen to me. I will never want another girl but you. I am attracted to you because you're beautiful, you could gain three hundred pounds and I'd still think you'd be beautiful. I might suggest the gym so your weight wouldn't be a health problem but I'd be by your side. I don't care if you feel fat and want to do your yoga or something else. I promise you, that you will satisfy me when we have sex. I have never waited this long to be with someone and honestly, I don't care if you want to wait until two years from now, as long as you're right here. Gemma I love you, and I promise you can trust me with your whole heart because I'm not going to leave. I love you." I whisper as she nods and rubs my shoulders.

"Okay, I-, it might be rough for a little while but I'm going to trust you. Please don't make me regret doing this." She tells me as I nod. I lean forward and pull her out of my neck as I grab her face and bring it to mine.

"Come here" I demand as I smile making her smile. She leans forward as I grab her and force my tongue into her mouth. She moans when I suck it and then suck her bottom lip. I grab her ass bringing her closer to me as she grins my hair in her hands. She shifts bringing her mouth closer to mine as she deepens our lips moving in synch.

This is right, and I willing to do it for my Gem.

Brody's Gem (Kingston Spin-off #2)✔️Where stories live. Discover now